2 High-Profile Trials Begin Today – IOTW Report

2 High-Profile Trials Begin Today

Maxwell –https://www.wsj.com/articles/ghislaine-maxwell-trial-set-to-begin-monday-11638181800?mod=hp_lead_pos11

Smollet –https://www.wsj.com/articles/actor-jussie-smolletts-criminal-trial-to-begin-after-years-of-delay-11638108002?mod=Searchresults_pos2&page=1

ht/ Rich Taylor

10 Comments on 2 High-Profile Trials Begin Today

  1. Being involved in the justice system for so long I’ve always appreciated the image of Lady Justice, scales in one hand, a sword in the other, and wearing a blindfold, all representing the impartiality of facts, the retribution as a result of these facts, and the even hand at which justice is applied to all. The latest high-profile trials (Rittenhouse, Holmes, Maxwell, and Smollett) offer an interesting perspective into how immutable characteristics like sex and race weld tremendous power over the court of public opinion.

    It also exposes the influence politics has in areas outside their purview and how the hierarchy of intersectionality infects all aspects of our society.

    I made a few comments about Maxwell in the other thread but as for Smollett, we should not forget 1) how common race hoaxes actually are and the damage they cause to race relations as a result, and 2)how difficult it was to even bring Smollett to justice. Kim Foxx tried to sweep it under the rug and it was only after a special prosecutor found her negligent and derelict, that charges were filed.

    My gut feeling is that the prosecutors are not at all motivated or have been warned ahead of time to not push too hard on Smollett since he has the full faith and backing of Biden, the dems, the MSM, and the current narrative.

  2. She’s innocent, as long as she choke coughs up the little black book or the tapes & them makes public or sold to the highest bidder to make them public. Inquiring minds want to know. Otherwise, guilty.

  3. @Rich Taylor November 29, 2021 at 1:54 pm

    > My gut feeling is that the prosecutors are not at all motivated or have been warned ahead of time to not push too hard on Smollett since he has the full faith and backing of Biden, the dems, the MSM, and the current narrative.

    Convicting Jussy, after letting that filthy white pædo killer get away with it, will sanction the lawful resumption of (mostly) peaceful protests. Now! with better participant “health care” (h/t to Planned Parenthood).

  4. Rich Taylor

    “Being involved in the justice system for so long I’ve always appreciated the image of Lady Justice, scales in one hand, a sword in the other, and wearing a blindfold, all representing the impartiality of facts, ”

    It’s cute that you still believe in that.

  5. @Brad November 29, 2021 at 10:14 pm

    > It’s cute that you still believe in that.

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

    — Upton Sinclair

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