2 inmates at all-women’s New Jersey jail are Pregnant after having sex with transgender prisoners – IOTW Report

2 inmates at all-women’s New Jersey jail are Pregnant after having sex with transgender prisoners


The pregnant women, who were not identified, are housed at the embattled Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, in Clinton, which New Jersey Governor announced plans to close last year.  

Prison bosses said that in both instances, the sex was consensual.

It is unclear if the women had sex with the same transgender inmate, or if it was two different inmates. Edna Mahan houses 27 transgender prisoners, and over 800 women altogether. It is also unclear how far along the two inmates are, and whether they plan to continue with their respective pregnancies. An investigation has been launched. 

The correctional facility began to house transgender women – including those that have yet to undergo gender reassignment surgery – last year.

That came as part of a settlement following a lawsuit brought by a trans woman and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey. 

ACLU legal director Jeanne LoCicero defended on Tuesday the policy, saying it ensured the rights of trans prisoners were not violated. 

‘[It’s] in line with New Jersey’s strong anti-discrimination laws that prevent discrimination and harassment on the basis of gender identity,’ she told local news outlet NJ.com.  

Edna Mahan, the only women’s prison in the Garden State, does not require transgender inmates to proceed with reassignment surgery in order to be housed at the correctional.  

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15 Comments on 2 inmates at all-women’s New Jersey jail are Pregnant after having sex with transgender prisoners

  1. “It is unclear if the women had sex with the same transgender inmate, or if it was two different inmates.” Give me a break, it was probably a dozen inmates, and no one will know who the sperm donor is until a dna test.

  2. Does this mean mentally deformed men that become women are capable of making real females pregnant?

    This is all so fascinating, I wish I could keep all this new science straight.

  3. I keep all my roosters in a separate, smaller run until I want to breed some of them. Otherwise, they are really abusive to the hens. One of them, is a prancing little dandy, and all the other roosters seem to think he is actually a she, and engage accordingly, 9 to 1. Quickly lost all his tail feathers and those on the back of his head and neck. He never fought it much, just squatted down and accepted it. Guess he figured he was a hen, too.

    Well, it got so bad, I felt sorry for him and let him out into the main run. Well, golly gee, within minutes he discovered he was a rooster after all!

    It’s just bird nature, I guess. Apparently human nature, too. Who would’ve thought?



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