2 of the biggest “right-wing” critics of Donald Trump had trouble condemning Barack Obama – IOTW Report

2 of the biggest “right-wing” critics of Donald Trump had trouble condemning Barack Obama

We’re supposed to be swayed by the instincts of George Will, an avowed #NeverTrump declarer, and Charles Krauthammer, the smartest guy in the room?

Eugenia, on a tip from American Digest, reminds me that Will and Krauthammer famously said that they couldn’t quite get a read on Barack Obama when he was running in 2008. In fact, they couldn’t offer up a definitive criticizing word until after he won.

Rush Limbaugh-

I am convinced that all conservatives know a statist and a big-government redistributionist when they see one, especially people like Krauthammer and George Will.  It doesn’t compute with me that they didn’t know. In the one-hour special on Krauthammer, he talks about — along with George Will — not getting what Obama was about early on, even dining with him after the election and not understanding until five weeks after he was sworn in. It took him five weeks ’til after he was sworn in that they understood what it was Obama was all about.

After Obama was sworn in and he announced… I think it was the national security advisor. I don’t remember the name.  Maybe it was chairman of the chief joints of staff, James Jones.  That’s who it was.  I remember Newt going on and TV celebrating.  He said, “If you woulda told me that” da-da-da-da-da-da, “somebody as leftist as Barack Obama would have nominated somebody like James Jones to run the Pentagon,” and it was accepted as a sign he’s a moderate and so forth.

And then Eric Holder is nominated, and our legal intellectuals made a mad dash to the microphones praising the selection of Eric Holder.  And I said, “Okay, what’s going on here?”

How in the world you do not know. Forget conservative! As a Republican, how in the world you do not know who Barack Obama is, and then five weeks later… Don’t forget, David Brooks during this period of time — the “conservative” columnist, New York Times — actually says that after having dinner with Obama at George Will’s house… Dr. Krauthammer was there. David Brooks is talking about this guy, and says based on the crease in his pants, this guy’s gonna be a great president.  I kid you not.

If you don’t get who Obama is, then what must you think of Pelosi, and what must you think of Harry Reid or Bill Clinton?  And that’s our side.


22 Comments on 2 of the biggest “right-wing” critics of Donald Trump had trouble condemning Barack Obama

  1. They get along in DC by being the little friendly pet republicans who cause no problems. It’s always been obvious to anyone who really cared about politics. I’ll know the republican party is sht if they ever allow these clowns to have a future voice.

  2. Another show on Fox, “Special Report with Bret Baier” whom both Krauthammer and Will have affixed their permanent thrones, I refuse to watch. And add Goldberg for the trifecta. Hell, now that I think of it I could go on and on and on.

  3. After Obama/Jarrett won in 2008, fuckmaster Will held a huge gala at his home in DC with the newly elected president as guest of honor(gag…puke)

    In attendance were the GOPe news guys-all there to fellate you know who.

    If that doesn’t give you a clue as to this assface’s jumping off point, nothing else will.

  4. Some of these pundits, Krauthammer included, get tangled up in their own intellects. They actually think they ARE the smartest humanoids in the room. They disdain and disparage anyone not in agreement. Sounds like some types we know. Does the name Cankles Clinton and SickWilly ring any chimes? The Zuckertookers (FB) and muselimbs are the same. Comey, Lynch, BoomBoom Hussein, Moochie, Susan Rice, Humadore Camelfoot, ad nauseum, are clubhouse charter members. Got some old cronies in there also, NannyFran, Mitch McCorkle, HairyAss Reed, all think they shuck and jive everyone else.

  5. For them, BHO’s crisp crease lost its allure.

    There was nothing hidden and even two BHO books.

    I vetted Obama in 2008 and knew he was a radical, albeit minus the mental pathologies. What a combination both have proven to be.

  6. I use to like George Will, he was actually one of the writers who help me understand Conservatism. Back in the 70s and 80s, he was the voice of reason writing in Newsweek. Now, I think he his riding his Idealism Horse into the sunset.

    He is, after all, an intellectual and not a street fighter. We need more street fighters at this time.

  7. Quislings plain and simple. Yet these are the people who consider themselves the elite, our betters looking down on the uneducated, uncouth Trump supporting rabble. They nauseate me.

  8. I had Barack Hussein Obama’s number in about 5 minutes. I’m willing to give a little leeway to anyone who took a little longer but, anyone still with this Marxist, racist, islam-promoting, America-hating excuse for a man AFTER the “Reverend” Wright story came to light is an intellectual imbecile.

  9. Ben Shapiro calls Donald Trump a Blue Dog Democrat (which is interesting because this is what I was willing to accept as a characterization of Trump for the sake of expediency in order to make a larger point in a debate.)
    Will and Krauthammer were willing to get along and go along with Obama when they thought he might be a blue dog.
    But now that we have a “blue dog” up against the most vile, corrupt, unqualified, open border, globalist, socialist, anti-2A, it takes a village monster, the Blue Dog is unacceptable.

    Explain that to me.
    It just must be an emotional hatred towards Trump specifically and personally.
    Maybe if Trump was black they’d be appropriately enthusiastic that we’re poised to end the reign of the Obama/Clinton terror, and possibly move more and more right and get to a Ted Cruz in 2024 as planned.

  10. These effete pieces of work find Trump too common for their highly refined and pretentious tastes.

    To steal from the movie ‘Mozart,’ he’s not so lofty he shits marble like they do.
    Trump appeals to those they look down on.

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