2 Posts To Keep in Mind These Last 3 Weeks Before the Election – IOTW Report

2 Posts To Keep in Mind These Last 3 Weeks Before the Election

Read this advice from a Brexiter.

HT/ Jerry Maderin

Read this article about polling, what it is, what it wants to achieve, and how it might not be all that reliable this year.

The Hill

ht/ Just the Tip

13 Comments on 2 Posts To Keep in Mind These Last 3 Weeks Before the Election

  1. Thanks, Fur!! So incredibly necessary to stay positive and try to ignore ALL polling — even if it’s positive polling.

    Lately, the hand-wringing over polls and vote fraud is reminding me of that scene from Bambi of the quail trying not to panic and go into flight.



    Make a point to spend at least one hour these remaining weeks to contact an old friend, some family and colleagues to make sure they are registered correctly and know what to do if they don’t receive their mail-in ballot. And send $5. to the Trump campaign.

  2. Obviously, I am not a scientist or even very good with numbers. However, a couple of thoughts on current polling:

    1. There is something called scientific bias where, sometimes subconsciously, data collection confirms the desired result. This is why dedicated scientists have control groups and blinds. In polling, very subtle liguistic styles can affect the results one way or another resulting in scientific bias.

    2. Because Trump and Hillary are each disliked by a significant percentage of the population, it is possible – if not likely – that people who prefer one over another will never admit it publically to anyone.

    3. Trump spends a lot of time on the stump, and he draws crowds of thousands. Hillary spends far less time on the stump, and she has trouble drawing hundreds. The people who actually show up to hear a candidate speak are more likely to show up and vote.

    If the pollsters continue to show Hillary with a commanding lead, this may likely convince many Democrats to stay home and energize Trump’s base. But in any event, in this election I think the polls are not particularly trustworthy.

  3. @tsunami from tctsunami, the other one.
    Yep, I agree with you. I’m gonna be so happy I will put my Sarah Palin bobble head back on my desk and gloat for at least a month. Or perhaps 4 to 8 years.

  4. Polls have always been propaganda and psy-ops tools to influence, not to reflect.
    It’s just obvious now, without masks.

    Even if you were honestly trying for impartiality, the old phone format is hopelessly outdated.
    Landlines are dinosaurs. Of the handful of people I know who still have a landline, they absolutely do not pick up unknown calls from numbers they don’t recognize.
    Even the retirees.

    Anyone using land lines as any part of their pole sampling is just connecting with lonely shot in who are desperate to talk to anyone.
    Totally unreliable.

    Don’t be discouraged by the recent negative polls. It’s all noise. Conservative Treehouse blog has some great thoughts on that subject.

    Trump 2016. Be of good cheer.

  5. Part of keeping the elections safe is deterrence. Monitoring the polling places is part of that. Also, watching the ballot drops to make sure hefty mom looking persons don’t gather round blocking the view as one stuffs the drop box with hundreds of fake Hillary Votes. If they try, call their hand then and there.
    As to the electronic flipping of votes, exit polls will help keep a tab on roughly how many voted R if you can wear red on your clothes. We just have to hope each state cares enough about their freedoms and what is up for stealing to watch and wait.

  6. @Wyatt,IPJ…

    “Trump spends a lot of time on the stump…”


    “Harry Truman…did win, of course, thrust to victory by a late surge of votes sparked by his whistle-stop campaign.”

    Truman. Trump. Old School.

  7. Oh wait…I thought he meant Hillary, but he means one of her supporters. Probably a woman, I’m guessing. Probably a black woman. Sacrificed in a false flag attack for Hillary. Maybe Sheila Jackson Lee. Or Joy Ride. I mean Reid.

    But it could be any Hillary supporter. Maybe she’ll rub out Liz Warren.

    I’d be worried if I were a vocal Clinton supporter who is also either an embarrassment or a threat to her. She likes to maximize the benefits of her hit jobs.

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