2 Time Failed Presidential Hopeful Seeking “University Professor” Role – IOTW Report

2 Time Failed Presidential Hopeful Seeking “University Professor” Role

What is a “University Professor”?

That’s when an idiot without discipline in any specific subject gets to parade their dunderhead around the halls and espouse their deep thoughts, giving it the illusion of scholarship, to doe-eyed fools paying massive amounts of money for the same claptrap they can see for free in an interview with Matt Lauer.


Hillary Clinton is testing the waters on a return to academia.

The former U.S. Secretary of State and presidential nominee is in talks with Columbia University to take on a formal role at the Ivy League — and potentially house her archives there,

One option under discussion is an esteemed “University Professor” role that would allow Clinton to lecture across a range of schools and departments without the requirement of a strict course load, one source said.



34 Comments on 2 Time Failed Presidential Hopeful Seeking “University Professor” Role

  1. Just think about what she could add to a feminist studies department:
    How to stand by your rapist.
    Women’s ambition and equality: how to step on anyone to get ahead
    Morals, ethics, and power: why morals and ethics are irrelevant in the pursuit of power.
    Women, technology, and power: how to flaunt the law in pursuit of power and hide behind the victim card of sexism.

  2. I don’t remember what show, one of the late night fungus fests.
    The “comedy writers” ‘fake wrote’ love notes to Hillary.
    They all looked nice, now remember, those make up artists can make Kathy Griffith attractive.
    That’s the best these Hill Haggs have ever looked, makeover.
    Their openly expressed love for the two time loser was just short of self flagellation.

  3. “University Professor” role that would allow Clinton to lecture across a range of schools and departments without the requirement of a strict course load, one source said.

    It regular speak does that mean: Yeah, we’ll give you the money but we don’t want you hanging out with us?

  4. Man, I would be p*ssed if I had paid tuition and found out that she was wasting my time with her lying lectures.

    She has nothing to offer and no one of self-worth believes in her.

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