2 Women Charged After Allegedly Taking Dead Man to Bank to Withdraw Money – IOTW Report

2 Women Charged After Allegedly Taking Dead Man to Bank to Withdraw Money


Two women are facing charges in Ashtabula County after allegedly taking a dead man to a bank to withdraw money. 

The incident happened on Monday, March 4, when Ashtabula police received a call from the Ashtabula County Medical Center (ACMC) about a deceased elderly man who was dropped off at their facility by two unidentified women.

Officials say that the two women, who have since been identified as 55-year-old Loreen B. Feralo and 63-year-old Karen Casbohm, left shortly after arriving at the ACMC without providing any information about the deceased man or themselves. 

A few hours later, one of the women contacted ACMC and gave them information about the man, who was later identified as 80-year-old Douglas Layman. Police responded to the home and interviewed Feralo and Casbohm. 

Ashtabula police chief Robert Stell says the women allegedly found Layman dead inside his home, where they both had been residing. With the help of a third individual, the women allegedly placed Layman in the front seat of his car and drove to a bank, where they withdrew an undisclosed amount of money from his account.


ht/ lurker

21 Comments on 2 Women Charged After Allegedly Taking Dead Man to Bank to Withdraw Money

  1. ..it was more from boredom than avarice, but I unfortunately know a story like that…

    …Back when I was smoking, while in the smoking area a guy they recently hired came up to me to start a conversation. Someone had told him I had an ambulance background and as he did too he apparently wanted to swap “war stories”. He worked for a paid ambulance service as his last job he told me, and when I asked why he wasn’t now he said he got fired after his last run. Seems they picked up a recently deceased person from a nursing home one night (which isn’t an uncommon task for paid services), and apparently he told his equally sick partner that they could have a funny prank at a drive-through. So they took the corpse and put it in the driver’s seat and one of them worked the steering and pedals from the passenger side, and they ordered food and went up to the window. There, he said, the young lady became impatient when the dead person didn’t pay the bill or otherwise respond, and nudged him in annoyance. Being dead he fell over in response to this, and so my corpse-abusing storyteller and his partner in literal crime had a laugh, rearranged things, paid the manager as the employee was traumatized, and left.

    Thing about ambulances,even paid ones,is the company name is all over them in very large letters, and it turns out the restaurant manager didn’t find it funny and told their employer and the police so.

    So he and his partner got called back to base after dropping the body off, where they were immediately fired and charged with desecration of a corpse. There were apparently fines and license revocation, so this idiot now had to find another line of work, so here he was, telling me this like he thought I’d find it funny. He apparently hadn’t been fined enough to learn any basic decency or humanity.

    I did NOT, and told him so, kind of up close and loud. I then went to my boss, who had recently hired this guy, and told him what he apparently did not know, and strongly suggested that maybe he wasn’t needed HERE as well. I don’t know what was said or done after that, but I never saw that guy again, and good job too.

    This was probably 2 decades ago, and the kids have likely got worse since then. But given that everyone thought Weekend at Bernies was a laff riot, maybe it’s just me.

    I come from a county where some sick asshole thought dead people were there to be his art projects, after all…


    …this one could have involved MY OWN family, and we actually had to look at some sick shit to confirm it did NOT, bur that’s where we are as a society, the dead are considered object of profit, amusement, even psychotic sexual gratification in perversions of religion now,


    , so I guess I should be desensitized like they want me to be at this point, but hell NO I am NOT and NEVER WILL BE…

  2. Women are so much more humane and feeling than men are (particularly Douglas, who’s not feeling anything at all). If women ran everything (like they don’t already) everything would be wonderful!


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