20% of Prisoners in Britain’s Maximum Security Are Muslim Despite Being 5% of Total Population – IOTW Report

20% of Prisoners in Britain’s Maximum Security Are Muslim Despite Being 5% of Total Population

I guess this means there is something wrong with the prison system, just like here in America.

The truly dangerous aspect of this dismal statistic is that prisons tend to produce more Muslims coming out than went in.

Islam seems to be a magnet for the angry and stupid. 

ht/ Just the Tip

13 Comments on 20% of Prisoners in Britain’s Maximum Security Are Muslim Despite Being 5% of Total Population

  1. OK, just as a reference, I now have 2000% more ammo in my munitions depot than when Obutthole took office and, personally, I know I’m a minute percentage of the population.

    I hope that conveys a relevant degree of our patriotic concern for the abusive intrusion of illegal immigrants into our country.

  2. Imagine what the percentage would be if the the Brits didn’t give the goatfockers a free pass with everything.

    Maybe that’s why muhammad’s pedophollowers get the free pass? Not enough room in the prisons to house all of the stinking moslem bastards?

    Stop with the free passes, you gutless, disarmed, faggot dhimmis. Ok?

  3. Islam is making huge inroads in the American prison population. It validates anger and vengeance, essentially giving violent prisoners permission/encouragement to feel the way they do and act on it.

  4. some one should have slapped the “religion of peace” right out of gwb’s mouth!

    at what point do we normal people bust out laughing hysterically at anyone who champions muslim values as being equal or superior to Christian values and start beating some sense into these useful idiots on the spot?

    these pc assholes are going to get us all killed.

  5. Meerkat,
    Drive outside of NJ, buy yer ammo, then drive it back in.
    I presume you already have a gun? Yes or no, don’t tell me. After all, you live in CC’s NJ, one of the most un-gun friendly states in the US. The “social media” have ears.

  6. The best thing for angry and stupid people is to move them to countries where by percentage they look even stupider, since they can’t read the street signs, can’t communicate with government officials, and can’t fit in culturally. That will settle the anger right out of them.

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