20,000 Troops Stationed in DC For ‘Inauguration’ With No Private Citizens – IOTW Report

20,000 Troops Stationed in DC For ‘Inauguration’ With No Private Citizens

Geller Report: They canceled the inauguration day parade. They knew no one would show up for the President that received more votes than any other in US history. Maybe the soldiers are seat fillers.

20,000 troops for a virtual inauguration – sends a message to the American people. You are under siege.

@johncardilloThe optics of Biden being inaugurated surrounded by 20,000 troops but no citizens is disgusting and un-American. The ‘armed protest’ narrative is a fabricated bullshit excuse for the real message. “If you dare dissent, the state will kill you.” 10:49 AM · Jan 14, 2021


SNIP: This show isn’t just for us. It’s to prevent a BLMtifa situation. Biden is afraid of them, physically. The troops can also prevent the press from talking to biden.

52 Comments on 20,000 Troops Stationed in DC For ‘Inauguration’ With No Private Citizens

  1. 20,000 troops?

    How many are deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan now? Nowhere near that thanks to Trump.

    Yeah. OK. Buy some more Trump gear and act up even more. That’ll work.

    Pssst Joe. Don’t be at the top of any staircase with kamala near you. She’ll off you at the first opportunity.

  2. They really wanted to use the armed forces to drag Trump out of the White House. They fantasized about it for months. I guess they’ll just have to settle for a grim Jim Acosta in a flak vest behind sandbags on Pennsylvania Avenue.

  3. @PHenry

    Trump actually tried to save human lives, avoid the cost of endless wars and he has been vilified.

    The peace dividend easily could have improved the lives of everyone.

    … and the soy boys and ” pacifists” can’t see it.


  4. We are NOT ALLOWED to say the election was a fraud and that Dominion played a role, so I will not say it. Ask American Thinker what happens if you do say that. Is it OK for me to say this?: It takes 20,000 National Guard troops to install Joe Biden as president of the former United States. WTF??

  5. Probably >20,000. More like approaching 26,000 from some sources.

    Comprised of: (not linking the source, nor claiming accuracy)

    Washington, DC national guard
    56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team
    Troop B of the 102nd Cavalry Regiment
    1-114th Infantry Battalion
    508th Military Police Company
    229th Military Police Company
    153rd Military Police Company
    102nd Military Police Battalion
    104th Military Police Battalion
    229th Brigade Engineer Battalion
    160th Engineer Company
    261st Theater Tactical Signal Brigade
    198th Expeditionary Signal Battalion
    1049th Transportation Company
    262nd Component Repair Company
    108th Wing
    177th Fighter Wing.
    105th Airlift Wing
    174th Attack Wing
    166th Security Forces Squadron

  6. This whole year plus of my life has been wasted and fucked with (excuse me) so a bunch of untouchable rotten sons a bitches can play wag the dog and get their willies. Half the damn people in this country might as well wear toilet seats on their heads because they have shit for brains.

  7. Choreographed to make it appear that President* Elect Joey Obiden Bama and Kalamity are under siege and that drastic measures are required to save the country from the Deplorables. Looks like something the Ministry of Propaganda concocted to justify crushing dissent.

  8. Trump did the right thing in ending worthless foreign wars that Americans end up paying in dollars and dis-guarded American lives. Disabled vet here, and my little monthly check doesn’t quite cut my real costs in pain and agony. And I see lots of other vets at the VA that have paid much higher prices for their efforts in supporting BS wars that never quite end. And democrats just keep bad mouthing President Trump, how worthless they are while spreading their non-stop poisonous lies.

  9. I never thought I would hear this from the missus.

    Stop complaining and run for office. I am still trying to process that thought, but it is time for all IOTWarriors to mull this idea.

    We’ve been disappointed and betrayed by shiny shoe Republicans.

    Maybe it is time for many of us to step forward. I have heard dumber comments from those that cast themselves as our intellectual betters than I read on this blog.

    Like I said, it was a blind siding comment, but she might be onto something. I know that retail politics is ugly business, but the old model with the old playbook with the same old players is a failing model.

    Each of us can do better than what we have now.

    Just spit balling.

  10. Joe stayed in that basement cause he felt safe there,he wasn’t really expecting to win the election but now that he has he has to leave the safe haven of his underground bunker and the only thing that can make him feel safe is 20,000 troops.
    It’s a dementia thing!

  11. Thie massive military presence in the Capital demonstrates that Honest Joe Biden – The Peoples’ Choice – holds power only by force and the media’s consent. He has no popular support, no “mandate”.

    This is the American tragedy. I imagine that much of the world is despairing for the future because our downfall by the faked election foretells a bleak future.

  12. If there is one for biden (there won’t be), it should be conducted in the steam pipe distribution venue (with a nod to Aaron Sorkin) in the bowels of the OEOB.

    The faces. The faces of traitors looking on; knowing the election was a fraud and that the elected is a fraud, and that they are frauds. Doesn’t matter how hard-boiled a pol he/she is, it’ll be hard for them to not look down at their shoes at “So help me, God.” They’ll all be damned.

  13. One question: Who has the authority to direct all these forces?

    As far as I know – only Trump can do this. Biden holds no authority over troops or Guard. Why are we saying Biden is doing this?

    Think about it.

    Would be a great time to round up all the traitors that stole an election.

    Man, I hope Lucy doesn’t pull that ball away again.

  14. Good old, really old, Hidin’ Biden. Didn’t win. The enemedia buried and continues to bury every scandal and gaffe he commits.

    Democrats are the ones promoting these “armed events” with the Democrat FBI playing the straight man.

    If they had all of this evidence of terrorist chatter on January 6th, why did they let Trump go out and give his speech?

    These traitors have no idea how full of shit they look. Democrat provocateurs manufacture a threat, the media hypes the nonexistent threat, the FIB verifies the nonexistent threat is real and then the media bad breathlessly reports that the FIB knows with metaphysical certitude that right wing white nationalists are attacking 50 state capitols at the same time.

    Eat a dick you lying fuckwads.

  15. ISN’T this what happens when Socialists stage have a Coup?
    They always place Military troops in the capital to protect the newly “appointed by hook or crook” leader. The Coup Leaders knowing full well that the citizens DO NOT Support the person or the upcoming agenda by cannot fight the Military.

    Also NOT having a PUBLIC swearing avoid displaying the total lack of real Voter Support and also allows Mindless Joe to video tape it after likely 15 “retakes”.

  16. Pedo Joe says stop thinking. Don’t brain on my parade. If I want to hire people to wave and cheer at me, well, it’s my money that I stole from the US taxpayer, fair and square.

  17. A very good friend of mine sent me this video.


    I don’t put my trust in “the plan” of men, but this man has the air of making sense as he explains the history of the One World Order cabal. This was made a week or so ago and his current videos have stepped back from “this IS going to happen” to “eventually it will happen, when they’re ready”.

    Anyway, take a listen to the history portion as it lays out how we got to where we are now.

  18. pianamusic, we were what was left of Western Civilization. Don’t think the muzzies and the chi/coms aren’t taking notes and waiting for the opportunity to strike.
    Brain dead America has “elected” the worst possible people to handle our foreign adversaries. Where we go from here I don’t know. Duck and cover will be our only option if the commie dems push through all of their wet dreams for a Socialist Utopia, or as History has proven, Hell on Earth.

  19. Not to mention all the state capitals as in the republic of Illinnoistan…

    Gov. Jaba…

    SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois National Guard members will be on duty this weekend in Springfield in response to state capitols being threatened across the country, Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Friday.
    Members of the National Guard “will be working closely with our State Police as well as local and federal authorities to keep our capital city safe,” Pritzker said in a statement.
    Some windows at the State Capitol building were being boarded up Friday.
    The Illinois Secretary of State’s office said it was “taking every measure available” to secure the Capitol complex and that it temporarily affixed plywood over certain windows “out of an abundance of caution.”

    Earlier this week, Illinois State Police said they were “tracking possible events at the Illinois Capitol building this weekend” following a memo from the FBI warning law enforcement agencies across the country of possible armed protests at all 50 state capitols.
    The FBI memo said the protests could begin as early as Saturday.
    Chicago’s Office of Emergency Management said its operations center will be activated on the day Biden takes office Wednesday “in order to coordinate the city’s public safety response to the events surrounding the presidential inauguration, as needed.”

  20. If they need to shut down entrance to the capital, bring in 20,000+ armed troops with permission to use lethal force and install razor wire atop 7′ fencing, maybe even they don’t think their inaugurée won after all. Just sayin’.


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