200,000 Texans sign petition to have teens released from jail after they murdered a child molester – IOTW Report

200,000 Texans sign petition to have teens released from jail after they murdered a child molester


  • Siblings Christian Trevino and Alejandro Trevino, 17 and 18, were arrested in Pharr, Texas, on Saturday
  • The boys along with their friend Juan Eduardo Melendez, 18, were taken into custody for the murder of their stepfather, Gabriel Quintanilla
  • More than 200,000 people have signed a Change.org petition calling for the release of the three boys  
  • The Trevino brothers approached Quintanilla after their nine-year-old half-sister came forward and said the 42-year-old had sexually assaulted her
  • Quintanilla was beaten on three different occasions and was thrown into the back of a pickup truck before they abandoned his body in a McAllen field 
  •  Christian Trevino and Melendez were charged with capital murder
  • more

23 Comments on 200,000 Texans sign petition to have teens released from jail after they murdered a child molester

  1. “…abandoned his body in a McAllen field…”
    McAllen and Pharr are right on the border. How did authorities recognize his body among all the dead illegals strewn all over the place?

  2. Exactly, Tim.
    Not a tough call at all.
    Three teenagers acting as investigator, judge, jury, and executioner is counter to all that the founders stipulated.
    As much as we all want justice to be done, it must be done right.
    You can’t let emotions rule over life and death situations.
    That’s what liberals do.

  3. Beachmom JANUARY 28, 2022 AT 8:35 AM
    “He would have been killed in prison. Pedos don’t tend to last long.”

    Beg to differ…

    Said it before and say it again. Depending on which criminal system, they are safe. Following one currently so I might organize a welcome home party if he lives to get out. Early on he was transferred to a facility that has over 75% Pedo for population. They often designate or send them to one place where they become the majority population to keep them safe.

    Within most systems you can get registered for updates on individuals as to their status and location.

  4. “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” ~Romans 12:19

    As high-minded and so easily justified as it may seem, the young men have endangered their own eternal lives through short-term wrath. The Word tells us that God resents evil done to his children but that revenge is His. Further, that His revenge is perfect.

    It’s a hard truth and more proof that the way is necessarily narrow.

  5. AbigailAdams
    JANUARY 28, 2022 AT 11:02 AM

    …you are Biblically correct and I respect that, but the problem here is that raping children causes an instant reprobate mind.

    “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
    Romans 1:32

    I’ve had contact with both rapist amd children, and the one consistent thread is that they WILL do it again. Not only that, but some speak PROUDLY of their heinous acts, even tell the JUDGE in OPEN COURT they will fo it again, but even the BEST judges are bound by statutory limits and asinine ideas about rehabilitation.

    And, thanks to Democrats, we do NOT have the best of judges.

    It’s not judging them to end them, its just sending them to the Lord’s Judgement by the fastest way possible.

    And the only.


    thing that will stop them from raping again while we’re waiting for that…

    …the things I’ve seen cry out for IMMEDIATE justice, and Man’s “justice” has failed UTTERLY, and had even 3 decades ago when I had a ringside seat. There is no law that will stop them, especially with a pedophile pretending to be president and a LOT of other pedophiles in high places backing them up.

    If kiling a pedo means hell, so be it.

    At least you’d be in position to shove his raping Democrat head under the lava for all eternity…

  6. Dear SNS, I get the problem; truly. That’s why I say it’s proof the way is narrow. If we call ourselves Chistian, it’s one of those extremely hard truths that we must struggle with along with so many others.

  7. I am struck by the certitude at which the vigilantes here are so damned sure that what was alleged actually happened. The article mentions “inappropriate touching”, what does this even mean? Was he holding her hand as they crossed the street? Did he brush her hair out of her face or give her a kiss on the cheek? Nobody really knows yet he gets called a pedo and is deserving of a grisly death.

    A 9-year-old has never ever in the history of the world ever made anything up. Is there a shred of evidence that he did it? Do we know what kind of relationship the older boys had with the stepfather? Maybe they were looking for a chance to get rid of him. And does it bother anyone that these boys beat him up with brass knuckles, twice, then went home, changed vehicles, and when they saw him again later that day, finished him off? Good luck trying to use any “heat of passion” defense.

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