2009 Fort Hood Shooter Could Face Execution – IOTW Report

2009 Fort Hood Shooter Could Face Execution

Military Times:

A former soldier on military death row for the 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, could face execution after the nationโ€™s top military court hears the case.

Ex-Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, 52, is set for his case to stand before the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces on Tuesday for what is largely considered the deadliest mass shooting ever on a United States military installation.

On Nov. 5, 2009, Hasan entered a readiness processing center at the Texas post and opened fire, killing 13 โ€” including a pregnant soldier โ€” and wounding 32. Hasan admitted to the shootings at his court-martial in 2013 and was sentenced to death.

If Hasan is put to death, it would be the first military execution since 1961, when ex-soldier John Bennett was hanged after being convicted for raping and attempting to kill a young girl.

The hearing Tuesday marks the next stage of the case in the drawn-out military appeals process. Regardless of the hearingโ€™s outcome, it remains unclear if and when a decision on execution could be made. more

23 Comments on 2009 Fort Hood Shooter Could Face Execution

  1. He should have been hung along time ago. Our so called Justice system is nothing but a joke. Especially in the Military now. The bleeding heart scumbags have interfered with the UCMJ so much that it’s almost worthless as military law. Decades ago he would have been hung and how many other soldiers are on death row??

  2. 2009?????????????????? Speedy trial, huh? What’s that..some 13 years? Thought that had already been taken care of.

    Let’s just give the death penalty to all those who were directly responsible for dragging this out this long. The rest of us will take care of the mass murderer… and we are just your typical, everyday, unelected, unappointed citizens. Yet we know what to do.

    So, what the HELL has been your problem? Besides, these assholes will likely lay down and go to sleep in the event we ever are attacked. It’s the only way to know for sure.

  3. When you can’t pull the trigger, pun intended, on the worst of the worst, you should just get rid of the death penalty altogether and quit making a mockery of it.

    I would prefer they do Khalid Sheikh Mohammed first, but justice delayed is justice denied.

    I never understood that progressive mindset that having the death penalty makes us barbaric. Any and all legal systems followed by man require consequences for actions deemed outside the norm or illegal,”Whoever sheds human blood, by humans his blood will be shed, for God made humans in his image.”

    Since perverting justice is de rigueur now, my confidence in any legal action by adjudicated justly is as low as that confidence in our government in general.

  4. Why isn’t this son of mudhammed already dead? just axing

  5. It’s not so much the fact that these pieces of human garbage are still alive, no, it’s the manner in which they are housed. Every one of those pig humpers at Gitmo gained weight and turned into fat fucks.

    Prison should be a place to be avoided, where every day is misery and hard work Cool Hand Luke style. The opulence bestowed on these criminals, the living standards, quality of food, and entertainment. It’s all bass-ackwards.

  6. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead now.
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead.
    All the blood that bled
    out of fetal head-zuh
    is-zuh on her dirty soul now.
    Praise God, Ruth Bader is dead.

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg killed puppies.
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg ate dogs.
    Well, her buddy Barry
    would stir and fry,
    then serve up a mess’o
    shepard-dog pie.
    Ruth Bader ate puppy dogs.

  7. Bradley Manning and Chelsea Manning should have met the firing squad for high treason. This guy is just another thug, like down town. They got to pissoff the bigger thug to get terminated.
    Is the five seven that good or with the less kick just easier to place on target? Was told by one range master that he could ld do almost as well with a 22magnum.

  8. Remember, the correct method of execution is to cut the head off the body, quickly, then place the head where it can see the body so the last sight the person enjoys is the body his head no longer has. Mohhomedans go to the afterlife in the condition they are in when they die. He will have to walk around paradise with his head tucked under his arm, so no virgins for you, Hasan, girls donโ€™t go for a guy who has to set his head on the bedside table when he wants to โ€˜get downโ€™.

  9. GWB has lots of American blood on his hands. Here “only” 13 Americans died because of Bush!

    Michelle Malkin clearly documented 14 years ago that Bush knew CAPTAIN hasan was SoA – Soldier of Allah in ’05. BUT NOT ONLY DID NOT PROSECUTE HIM BUT PROMOTED HIS R.O.P. BUDDY TO MAJOR!

    I never voted for egenerate GWB and this is just one of hundreds of subsequent thing confirming how right i was/m!


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