“All Bets Are Off” – Tom Fitton Calls For Charges Against Biden Crime Family, Pelosi and Other Leftist Politicians – IOTW Report

“All Bets Are Off” – Tom Fitton Calls For Charges Against Biden Crime Family, Pelosi and Other Leftist Politicians

GP: Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton this week called for charges against Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and other leftist politicians.

“All bets are off,” Tom Fitton said after a Manhattan grand jury voted to indict President Trump on non crimes.

Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg brought criminal charges against President Trump to derail his 2024 bid for the White House.

The indictment is currently under seal, however, according to a leak to CNN, President Trump was hit with 34 counts related to business fraud.

President Trump is facing at least one felony charge in the Stormy Daniels ‘hush payment’ case, according to a leak to the Associate Press.

Donald Trump is the first ex-president in US history to be charged with crimes.

Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton said it’s time for grand jury indictments of Biden and his family, Pelosi and other leftist politicians.

“All bets are off. You can expect grand jury indictments of leftist politicians like Biden, Pelosi and Schumer as surely as night follows day,” said Tom Fitton.

“You can be sure that there are prosecutors across Florida and Texas right now who are looking for a state law hook into the Biden family. And if they’re not, they’re not doing their jobs,” he said. more

13 Comments on “All Bets Are Off” – Tom Fitton Calls For Charges Against Biden Crime Family, Pelosi and Other Leftist Politicians

  1. If, and that’s a big if, the GOP every takes control of all three branches again, it better be a scorched earth period.
    Prosecute every democrat that every thought of doing something wrong. Work to remove every elected democrat in the country, from senator and governor down to the dogcatcher in East Mooselick, Maine. If they have a D after their name they can’t serve in office.

  2. Paging Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares. Y’know: the Republican who rode in on the red wave in the Commonwealth caused by the feds referring to parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists. Surely some of the Biden Crime Family’s meetings or financial transactions occurred in the No.Va. suburbs…

    Let’s see who can be the first SITTING president indicted (even if he did usurp the seat).

  3. I filed a complaint against a lawyer, had answering machine tapes, and NYS Committee on Professional Standards pulled his license for a year. I could never find a lawyer to go after him to get my money I’d paid him back. So much for lawyers. None of them would touch him. Any bets judges have the same mindset??


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