2020 Dems Gun Control Rhetoric Sends Gun Sales Soaring – IOTW Report

2020 Dems Gun Control Rhetoric Sends Gun Sales Soaring


As the Democrats 2020 campaign rhetoric is heating up, so are the nation’s gun sales.

The numbers are in for October, and they show a 11% increase from October of last year according to Small Arms Analytics and Forecasting. The figures from September also showed an 11% year-ver-year increase. According to the report, which makes sales estimates based off of raw data from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System, “likely single handgun sales (570,370) increased year-over-year by 12.2%, while single long-gun sales (498,117) increased year-over-year by 7.9%. All other likely background check-related sales (90,790) increased year-over-year by 19.7%.

Gun sales tend to rise under Democrat presidents and fall under Republican ones, and the spike in sales this year does interrupt the industry’s trend of slumping sales under Trump. In all likelihood the rhetoric of the Democrats running for president could be responsible for this boost in sales. We’ve seen the mere possibility of gun control following a tragedy reliably boost gun sales, so seeing those threats of gun control on the national stage will certainly do the same. read more

11 Comments on 2020 Dems Gun Control Rhetoric Sends Gun Sales Soaring

  1. “They” aren’t just mentally ill, they’re also seriously brain damaged. They can’t see, hear and begin to understand the appraently inevitable results of their actions.

    Bang, bang, bang, bang…

  2. And the blind are buying big rigs. Trucking economy to collapse imminently. Any day month year century, now. You can smell the change in the wind. No that’s not because the proud, new owners keep rubbing their butts on the tires. Always. Endlessly. That’s change you smell, I tell ya!

  3. Also, given the Democrats unwavering support of the men and women in blue, one can be sure that law enforcement is simply aching to put their lives on the line enforcing these asinine suggestions.


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