2022 Man of the Year: Uncle Chen – IOTW Report

2022 Man of the Year: Uncle Chen

WFB: As most of our readers know, the Washington Free Beacon does not endorse participating in “marathons.” Our editorial opinion on the matter is best summed up by baseball legend Kenny Powers, who once opined: “I play real sports. Not trying to be the best at exercising.”

But let’s suspend disbelief for a moment. Imagine you’re an assistant sociology professor (non-tenure track) at Portland State University. Maybe you take a year abroad in Beijing to study the wise egalitarianism of the government of the People’s Republic of China. And, to get over your cruel wife who recently left you for one of her French Ph.D. students, you decide to run a marathon in Jiande, China. It will help you “get back out there” and lose the extra 45 pounds you packed on during COVID lockdowns. Plus, you can take some new photos that will be sure to impress future Tinder dates.

It’s race day, and you’re halfway through the marathon when suddenly a cloud of noxious fumes envelopes you. “It’s just a bit of smog,” you tell yourself. “Part of the different, but completely justifiable, industrial norms of China that are driven by U.S. imperialism.”

It’s not. You quickly realize that the plumes of smoke are emanating from a cigarette held by a competitor who is passing you: a 50-year-old chain-smoking marathon runner, known to the locals adoringly as “Uncle Chen.” MORE

15 Comments on 2022 Man of the Year: Uncle Chen

  1. Hope you are all seeing for yourself how fraudulent FOX News is. See? Told Ya.


    Now the RHINOS are all over CNN and msNBC and already talking about giving up seats for some Lib Votes.


    See THEM for the FRAUDS THEY are
    Right in your face

  2. FOX News Plastic Botoxxed Shoe Fetish Anchors are whining today, Jan. 04, 2023 that time is running out because the budget expires at the end of September and nothings happening.

    Do you SEE what is being said?

  3. Ain’t this funny . . .

    Texas Rep (Rhin) Tony Gonzales was just on FOX News threatening those that do not vote for Kevin with Future Employment Threats.

    No Kidding.

    Hope you understand how rich in irony that is.

  4. had a guy in my unit start on the line with one cig in his mouth and an unlit one behind his ear. at the word GO he’d sprint on out at a quick pace, and generally after about a quarter mile he was well out in front of the pack. at the one mile turn around he’d chain light the other cig and head back, always had top time in the unit and no one ever could keep up. I was running sub 12 minute two miles then and he always came in well ahead of me. he claimed he could breathe better while smoking. everyone else was choking on the smoke behind him.

  5. Cannot express the gratitude at being able to witness that plastic Dana Perino who wants to imprison cannabis smokers because she lies about her Dogs eating blunts, but yet this goody two-shoe country tuesday girl is broadcasting on public TV that Congress should just go out and get drunk.

    Check the Wine Box Line Record
    Dance the Night Away

  6. OT

    2023-01-04 1808

    Anybody have to watch FOX News Brett Berie?
    Just Now?

    The Interview with Chip Roy?

    Did you notice what he did sublimanally with the questioning process?

    He audibly made Chjip Roy negotiate with HIM on TV.

    It’s an OLD TV Trick from the Pelosi Broadcast State of Debate

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