2024 Priorities – IOTW Report

2024 Priorities

The Globalists In Plain Sight – CDM’s 2023 Successes, And 2024 Priorities.
[Ukraine = Antifa, Globalists, Israel, Illegal Aliens, Child Trafficking, and More]

14 Comments on 2024 Priorities

  1. Speaking of the new year: we were out to dinner and at 11:00 Houston time, they put on the TV to watch the ball drop. After it did, they cut to a gay couple kissing. After the gay couple, they cut to a biracial couple kissing. Can we get more woke than that?

    But wait, there’s more!

    Prior to the ball drop, Paul Anka sang Imagine.

    Maybe one of these days I will get up a TV antenna, but it won’t be to watch any New Year programming.

  2. I don’t expect the vast majority of us to still be alive on January 1st, 2025. The globalists will get their 90% population reduction one way or another, but it may not be how they plan, when they plan, or who they plan. People will die quickly from war,crime, maybe even nukes; painfully and without dignity shifting themselves to death from dysentery or disease; poisoned by fraudulent medicine, or simply starving slowly to death.

    There is no hope but Mount Hope, and no one who can save you buy the Lord. This world is forfeit to evil until His return, just as the back of the book says. Go forth this year and die in what way seems best to you, and maybe take a few of them with you.

    Happy New Year.

  3. Oh, FFS, SNS. The vast majority of us will still be alive come 2025. You’re just tossing shit on the wall. Sure, some of us will die for your reasons, but it’s going to be a very small percentage.

    Bookmark this post. I’ll see you in a year.

  4. Fuck the motherWEFers humanity wins in the end. SNS go crawl into your corner with your thumb in your mouth while the men go do men shit.
    If I go down I’m taking as many sideboys as possible.

  5. Well it will be an interesting year.
    Clearly the American people’s priorities are not what the deep state’s and their propaganda machine’s (media) are.
    I think more people will wake up out of woke and the media networks will begin to fail.
    There will still be useful idiots. The Bible talks about them.

    Whatever happens, stay focused on God and Jesus. They are more powerful than these globalist tools will ever be.

  6. 2024 will truly test our faith even more than 2023 as the Luciferians will destroy this country before they allow PDJT as an instrument of the Lord God Almighty to introduce our last chance at National atonement.

    Our faith and lives are literally in the hands of the Lord because the evil demonic hordes will go full Zombie Apocalypse this year.

    These demonic swine are capable of anything…

  7. I live in a state that made infanticide without so much as parental notification for raped minors a constitutionally protected “right”, with a governor who refuses to allow legislation to stop the politically based physical mutilation and mental manipulation of children by their own “educators”, in a country nominally ruled by a fraudulently installed pedophile that allows foreign invaders in for profit as he molest children on camera, in a world that was and is earnestly bent on poisoning its own citizens from the youngest to the eldest as it denies them food, heat, transportation, protection, and shelter, and will not even allow them to protect themselves and their fanilies against violent, inbred invaders, practitioners of a nihilist belief that brooks no rivalry to their blasphemous counterfeit deity, none of which lends itself to a particularly rosy worldview.

    Seems to me if God accepts this, that He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

    And God owes no one an apology.

    Also, I didn’t write Revelation, or Apocalypse if you prefer, read it for yourself. Spoiler: the United States is not given a pass there.

    And I am in no wise saying we don’t fight. I am only saying we can’t win. Only the Lord can win as the war is ultimately spiritual, and again Revelation says how it will go in the physical realm. That said, while only God can judge, many need to be sent to Him for that Judgement by the speediest way possible as the courts of men have been corrupted, but of such plans it is not wise to speak of here, for not all who may read mean us well.

    But no, I am no prophet, claim no special insight, know nothing of the Mind of God other than what I read and hear and I am certainly fallible, so I may well be wrong. Believe as you like and hope on, the wrath of the Lord has been delayed before by prayer and fasting, and may well be again. But the ultimate end of the world was written long ago in the same Book that described its beginning and the signs we are told to look for by its ultimate Author have indeed come to pass. Search for “Beginning of sorrows” and “Daughters of Jerusalem” as only two examples in the confines of the Bible for further details. But God’s timing is His own and it is written that even His Own Son knows not the day and the hour, so perhaps you will in truth be able to prove me wrong on January 1st, 2025, you may well indeed.

    But do you truly believe that the world will be a better place then even if it survives the frauds, deceits, and violence our own srlf-appointed rulers have in store for us? You need not answer me, search your own hearts for what you know to be true.

    I may well be wrong. I hope I am wrong. But what we do or don’t hope and wish will play little part in the future that unfolds before us. But again I do NOT say to not fight. I only say that only the Lord can actually win, and that much of the world deserves to perish under His judgment as set forth in His Word.

    Berate me as you will. It doesn’t matter. Nor will it change what He has written about the Judgement, just and deserved, that is surely to come.

    Enjoy your relative peace in the dawn of the New Year today.

    The needs of tomorrow will be sterner, come what may.

  8. I am more optimistic because I know that God is still in charge no matter how screwed up, we’ve allowed this country to become. My faith is in God and certainly not bidumb and the deep state, media, academia, hollyweird etc. or this illegitimate old moron who currently thinks that he is presidunce. I don’t know what’s going to happen yet, it’s only 6 hrs. into the new year and I am not going to conjecture anything that hasn’t happened yet. May God bless us all in this new year and pour his blessings and grace and mercy upon all of us. We’re going to need it, no matter what happens.

  9. Boy am I depressed, NOT! At my morning coffee spot a guy that comes in everyday gets on his phone crying about normal everyday minor problems to everyone in his phone contacts.
    Nonstop, same shitstain stories over & over, everyday. Everyone has problems, does that mean everyone else needs to hear it? Like some “others” he just doesn’t know when to stop. God’s wrath, oh please like you have an insider info on just what God’s plan is. No you don’t! In fact you don’t even have a clue. Best you take your God’s wrath issues to a church group setting. Pushing this demented view onto others shows how challenged you are. Yes, that morning coffee has mental illness & his meds don’t quite fix all of his illness.

  10. My morning coffee spot iz at home where I pour myself a cuppa jo, scream out my own name incorrectly, light a five dollar bill on fire, scrape the ashes into the cup and pretend I’m at Starbux…

    Then my wife sez: “That’s enough of that shit!”


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