21 Chinese Ultra-marathoners Die After Being Caught In Mountain Storm During Race – IOTW Report

21 Chinese Ultra-marathoners Die After Being Caught In Mountain Storm During Race


New York Times

Twenty-one people, including two of China’s top marathon athletes, died after freezing rain and high winds struck a 62-mile mountain race in northwestern China, local officials said on Sunday.

Liang Jing, 31, an ultramarathon champion, and Huang Guanjun, the winner of the men’s marathon for hearing-impaired runners at China’s 2019 National Paralympic Games, were among those found dead, according to state news media.

The deaths prompted outrage in China, with online commentators questioning the preparedness of the local government that organized the race, held at Yellow River Stone Forest Park in Gansu Province. More

14 Comments on 21 Chinese Ultra-marathoners Die After Being Caught In Mountain Storm During Race

  1. A coffee shop friend more than 10 years ago was an Ironman, I think in his 50s. He competed in one in Utah, starting with the 2.4 mile swim in a large lake which was 1.2 miles out and then back. It was very windy, and a battle to swim out through the chop and with hundreds of others swimming as well. When he was about a mile out, monitors in the boats announced that the race had been called off, too dangerous. And that they were on their own to swim back, as the boats were busy rescuing those in real distress. At least one died.
    Gotta be careful, out in the elements!


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