21 pitch – 12 1/2 Minute At Bat – New MLB record – IOTW Report

21 pitch – 12 1/2 Minute At Bat – New MLB record

If this was my first time ever watching baseball, I’d never watch again.

But, weirdly, knowing baseball, this is a great at-bat. The starting pitcher was pretty much on his way to being totally worn out after the 2nd batter.

18 Comments on 21 pitch – 12 1/2 Minute At Bat – New MLB record

  1. Baseball is a snoozer. I walked away from the game for that reason and for the past lock-outs and strikes that these overpaid clowns were involved in. I pay no attention to the thug games of football and basketball too. I follow ice hockey, soccer and lacrosse for the constant action and the lack of stupidity that exists in the other 3. Even though I’m in NE O-ho-ho, I pay no attention to the NBA Cavs, thanks to LeBron. Take a hike, you jerk.

  2. That at-bat was epic! Belt did more damage to that pitcher than if he had hit a home run on the first pitch. Probably resulted in Barria leaving the game an inning earlier than he normally would have.

    Fouling off unwanted pitches is an art form, and highly marketable. You can bet that at-bat will come up when contract negotiations roll around.

  3. My thoughts exactly, Blues Junky. An at bat like that ruins a pitcher. The guy was yanked in the middle of the 3rd with 77 pitches under his belt. Then the Angels had to use any number of relief pitchers to finish the game.

    So the upshot is the Giants won 4-2, and will probably win today because the Angel bullpen is in chaos

  4. Loved sandlot baseball. Played it all my childhood, every Summer. But when you start counting errors, it becomes a different game. That’s where the juice, joy, and pain is in sandlot.

    Pro is pro. Different game. Not that I don’t respect it, I also don’t watch chess matches even though I have a lot of respect for that, too.

  5. CallMeLennie gets it! Baseball is extremely intricate. I get why people think it’s boring, but it’s anything but boring if you pay attention to the little stuff that goes on.

  6. “Well, that’s 14 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.”

    Watch it on YouTube and go to settings. You can increase the speed to 2X which not only makes it less of a waste of time but also makes it somewhat humorous. YMMV.

  7. What you think of this demonstrates if you appreciate baseball or you don’t.
    People that don’t know soccer similarly complain about the score.
    Lusting for car crashes, and other aspects, make NASCAR a non-sport for me.

    When was the last time a boxer broke someone’s jaw, or knocked them into a coma? Is that the attraction? (Ans: heck no!)

  8. I am one who loves the game of Baseball… Coached rec ball or many years. Enjoy watching the Gamecocks on opening day in February every year. Spent 13 seasons watching nearly every televised game played by the Nationals and am heartbroken that they are now dead to me.
    This is a heroic at-bat…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  9. “I follow … soccer … for the constant action and the lack of stupidity that exists … “

    constant action? … when? when the ball constantly goes out of bounds & they have to re-kick? … constantly (I’d rather watch fans scramble for foul balls!)
    stupidity? … with the constant ‘acting’ going on w/ ‘injuries’? … & everyone trotting around?
    … & I won’t even go into the FIFA fixing … & it’s a ‘clock’ game … ’nuff said


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