22 Year-Old Girl Perplexed That Going Topless Created Attention – IOTW Report

22 Year-Old Girl Perplexed That Going Topless Created Attention


She’s not fooling anybody. The reaction she is getting from men is the reaction she wants.


Women fight to Free the Nipple as they go topless on a New Zealand beach – but claim the protest attracted unwanted ‘sexual’ attention

  •  Protesters in New Zealand go topless to fight for the Free the Nipple campaign 
  •  Event organiser Grace Blundell was one of about 40 male and female protesters
  •  Miss Blundell, 22, said the event unfortunately attracted unwarranted attention
  • Tourists pointed their cameras at the topless women, taking ‘sexual’ photos 

Read more:

The day these women cannot get any attention from men using their sexuality is the day they head for therapy, or get the Loretta Swit lips.

ht/ Dr. Jay & Miss Diana Allen

27 Comments on 22 Year-Old Girl Perplexed That Going Topless Created Attention

  1. And then there was the old guy who told one of them that he could tell her the day she were born and her IQ, just by fondling her breasts. She agreed. So he fondled her breasts for about 5 minutes.
    So, she said, when was I born?
    Yesterday, he said and your IQ is 68.
    Ah these young kids have no chance with these dirty old bastards.

  2. Oh! I see she’s also an activist for another cause “Free One Eye”. How tres seductive with the come hither stare.
    The sister for the cause beside her in pic 1, may want to invest in a commercial grade underwire. Looks like gravity attacked her at a young age.

  3. It’s the whole WISHFUL THINKING biz:

    “I’m just like the men, so society shouldn’t get excited about MY bare chest more than they do over men’s bare chests.”

    Umm…NO, sweetie.
    “Society” ENJOYS looking at your t!tt!es. Deal with it.

  4. Men enjoy titties.
    Fags enjoy farts.
    Lesbians enjoy shit and tuna fish.

    “Men’s ideal is a naked woman – woman’s ideal is a man in uniform.”
    (or something to that effect – Florence King)

    Just the way it is.

    Get naked. Go to Mecca and Medina naked. Or Hamburg. Or London. Or Helsinki. Or Oslo. Or Stockholm. Or Marseilles. Or Dearborn.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “…unwarranted attention.” Then why the need for a visual based protest? Yeah, right.

    Don’t…..Stop. Don’t….Stop. Don’t…Stop. Don’t..Stop. Don’t. Stop.


  6. “Pink Nipples, Matter”

    Well, what about brown nipples?
    Or the reddish-brown with the little buttons?
    Or them big tan ones that cover half the tit?! That’s what I’m talking bout!

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