““““` – IOTW Report


16. Blow In Her Face

17 Comments on ““““`

  1. Been meaning to ask: what’s with the quotation and accent marks as titles?

    And nowadays, if you blow smoke in her face (at least here in CA) you’d be arrested and put in jail for “assault with a deadly weapon.”

  2. The Smoke Nazis will get you for that shit!

    “… satisfaction without inhaling smoke.”

    Don’t make no difference to the Smoke Nazis, they’re even going after e-cigarettes.

  3. During the Monica Lewinsky cigar revelations, Jay Leno joked that the question, “Should a gentleman offer a Tiparillo to a lady?” had been settled.

  4. Hell, doing that now days might get you shot. Some lady walked across the street to yell at me for smoking a cigar back in ’97 in San Diego. On second thought, maybe she was hitting on me. Damn. I’m clueless sometimes.

  5. As someone who suffered being around cigs as a kid – I was keenly aware of the dishonesty in tobacco advertising.

    Knowing my body rejected smoke, which made the ads a total lie to me, may have been the foundation of my questioning everything I was told through media.

    I also think the tobacco biz is the best example that the Gov really does not care really about us but instead – it values the money it can get from a product that harms or kills its citizens. Just take a look at maternal twins of which only one smokes – the one that doesn’t will look younger. Always.

    Don’t tell me they have my best interest at heart with the “infinity is our limit to writing laws to control everyone” paradigm we live in.

    I will know you are either lying or you are a conplete idiot. Neither fly with me.

  6. “Blow smoke up a Liberals @$$ and they’ll follow you anywhere.” Barack Obama

    Let Obama blow you or stick it up his ass and you can draw a six-figure salary from the White House!!! Or get murdered in a back alley if you’re from him and Rev Rite’s “church” in Chitcago!

  7. Funny, back in the seventies, if you blew smoke in a chicks face it meant you wanted to have sex. If she blew it back? Well mister, you gonna get some tonight for sure!

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