22K ‘Potential Recruits’ for MS-13 Gang Resettled Across U.S. in 2017 – IOTW Report

22K ‘Potential Recruits’ for MS-13 Gang Resettled Across U.S. in 2017

FOX News screenshot- FOX NEWS

Breitbart: There were nearly 22,000 “potential recruits” for the violent El Salvadorian MS-13 gang resettled across the United States as Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) in 2017, according to an official.

In a roundtable at the White House, New York City Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official Angel Melendez told President Donald Trump that, in 2017 alone, nearly 41,000 UACs had been resettled across the U.S.

“These aren’t the total amounts of UACs that were detained at the border,” Melendez said. “These were the ones that were referred to be resettled within the United States.”

Of the almost 41,000 UACs resettled across the country, Melendez said about 21,881 are from either El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras and are male, as well as “in the right age for gang recruitment” ranging between 13 to 17 years old.

Melendez said [emphasis added]:

What I’m saying, understanding MS-13, is that they’re looking at these 21,000 unaccompanied alien children that came into those states as potential recruits to continue to fill in their ranks … Another thing that we’ve been able to look at is, across certain operations that we’ve been able to manage throughout the last couple of years, 30 percent is a consistent number that we’ve seen of MS-13 members that have been arrested that came into this country as unaccompanied alien children.   MORE

10 Comments on 22K ‘Potential Recruits’ for MS-13 Gang Resettled Across U.S. in 2017

  1. I’m a dreamer too. I dreamt that I died at the hands of a gang member that the Democrats invited here illegally. I returned to feed Pelosi her spleen. Through her nose.

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