233 – IOTW Report


ht/ illustr8r

16 Comments on 233

  1. Liberal talking points? Really? Naahh, no way. They wouldn’t make shit up would they? I’m shocked I tell ya. Next you’re going to tell me that Joe Biden isn’t really the president.

  2. This is all bullshit and a titanic distraction.

    America is bankrupted, corrupted, Antifa’d, BLM’d, the Taliban have been handed Afganistan (and all US military equipment) and China has moved right in.


  3. Is this the result AI journolisming, or is it NPC journolisming?

    I remember this same scam over a year ago, followed by the most pathetic fack-check ever to explain it away. Be on lookout for the fack-check to come. It’ll be a doozy


  4. Seriously, does anyone else remember this same thing from last year? The number was different, but it’s happened before. I don’t know how to search for it, because this “233” scam will smother the last one. But I know they’ve done this before.

  5. Maybe it was a global total being reported from these different locals to make it appear that the 233 new cases were from there.
    Either way, another case of fake news. You can’t trust someone who lies to you all the time!

  6. A curious factoid that reveals SOMETHING fake going on, but it’s even curiouser to see the different dates on the linked headlines.

    I thought it was everyone following the script on the same news cycle.

    The fact they are so separate in time makes me wonder how lazy and order-following the minions are.

    They have no awareness of whatever is right. Not even any internal integrity of the narrative they are committed to pushing. They look for nothing that may be contrary, because it changes every day anyway and doesn’t matter.

    They may as well have the motto: “Who knows what’s true? That’s out of our pay grade.”


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