23andMe Customers Instructed on How to Delete Their Genetic Information – IOTW Report

23andMe Customers Instructed on How to Delete Their Genetic Information

abc 7news

DNA genetic testing company 23andMe has filed for bankruptcy and will eventually have to sell its assets to pay its creditors.

If you are one of the over 15 million people who have provided saliva samples to them, unless you take action, there is a risk your genetic information could wind up elsewhere – and potentially used in ways you never wanted.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued a consumer alert to customers of 23andMe to remind Californians of their right to delete their genetic data under the Genetic Information Privacy Act (GIPA) and California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). More

16 Comments on 23andMe Customers Instructed on How to Delete Their Genetic Information

  1. I didnt give them any genetic information to begin with, so no worries here.

    Theres nothing of value they could have told me and nothing they could have told me that I would have believed, so the whole exercise was pointless.

    Except for the Chinese.

    Im sure theyre using the genetic information from millions of round-eyes to concoct a very specific disease strain as we speak…

  2. Blackrock already owns all the DNA info from Ancestry. If you think it is safe from them working with DARPA, etc mass murderers to create genetic-specific weapons, etc or that all this DNA info isn’t ALREADY in their hands or worse, then you are delusional and haven’t been paying enough attention to what these folks are about.

  3. Inquiring minds want to know: Does the removal of your DNA involve needles or possibly the risk of becoming someone with no personality or worse yet, liking Rap music?

  4. “If you previously opted to have your saliva sample and DNA stored by 23andMe…”

    …why in the world anyone would do that in the FIRST place is beyond me, but seeing as how 23 offered that to BEGIN with makes it easier to understand the distress they are in now…

  5. I’m not surprised that a genetic testing company went belly up. I remember some researcher confessed on Reddit forum that white Southerner who sent a request for a genetic profile was falsely told they had black ancestry. They thought they were promoting racial justice, but it just showed a lack of professionalism.

  6. The report said I was a woman trapped in a man’s body, and that I was also a toxic male with an unacceptable amount of “whiteness.” I’m not sure about the accuracy of this former service.

  7. It gives me the creeps thinking about a corporation acquiring the genetic database and what they could possibly do with it. There should at least be a law denying 2nd or 3rd parties from accessing any personal information to match the genetic data. Law enforcement seeking to match samples they have taken from various crime scenes is a different matter.

  8. They have traced dna back thousands of years, even saying 1/3 of the planet came from Ghengis Khan. You think they can’t trace us if they want to. I kinda remember a case where they linked a modern day irishman to some famous conqueror or king.

  9. Anonymous
    Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 14:51 at 2:51 pm
    “I kinda remember a case where they linked a modern day irishman to some famous conqueror or king.”

    …Im a quarter Irish on me blessed mother’s side, and I can say that Ive never met an Irishman who wasnt descended from nobility.

    The place must have been lousy with kings, and they must have been the only source of all the DNA in all the scullery maids, feth and begorrah…


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