24 States Sue Biden Admin Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children, Staff in ‘Head Start’ Education Program – IOTW Report

24 States Sue Biden Admin Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children, Staff in ‘Head Start’ Education Program

Epoch Times:

Attorneys general (AG) from 24 states have filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration challenging COVID-19 vaccine mandates for early education staff and mask mandates for young children.

Led by Louisiana AG Jeff Landry, the lawsuit (pdf) argues that the mandates involving Head Start, the country’s largest early education program, are unlawful and exceed President Joe Biden’s statutory authority.

Biden’s mandate, issued last month, applies to all preschool programs funded by the federal Head Start program and affects hundreds of thousands of staff, volunteers, and preschool students across the country. It mandates vaccinations for staff, volunteers, and others in contact with students by the end of January and requires masks for all adults and children aged two and above.

The mandate offers no alternative to vaccinations, and for those granted exemptions, funds are not provided for regular testing. It applies to staff regardless of whether they work in person or remotely. more here

3 Comments on 24 States Sue Biden Admin Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children, Staff in ‘Head Start’ Education Program

  1. My SC will consolidate all Coof cases, then dismiss for no standing because they will come up AFTER the mandates are in place, making them moot.

    …nice try tho, you keep pretending you have a peaceful solution and I’ll keep delaying and dusmissing until you are all dead or in jail and I can diddle little girls in peace…

  2. Know a guy who works for a non-profit aka taxpayer funded, they do house rehabs, low income housing rentals and headstarts. He said when this was announced over half of the parents pulled their kids out, although they aren’t enforcing it yet because our state is suing and told them while it was being litigated they would lose state funding if they did. He said another 1/4 of parents said if they lose in court they will pull their kids and 3/4 of staff have told them they will resign if they enforce vaccine mandates.

    I see a silver lining, less money taxpayers have to pay for glorified daycare.


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