240 Years of Army Uniforms in 2 Minutes – IOTW Report

240 Years of Army Uniforms in 2 Minutes

10 Comments on 240 Years of Army Uniforms in 2 Minutes

  1. Great video! Happy belated birthday Army (June 14th 1775)

    The Navy ROTC cadets I work with on live fire combat wear their “camos” to the range. What’s interesting is that they are blue-themed camos. Anybody falling overboard wearing them would be immediately camouflaged with the ocean . . . not much chance for a rescue that way. Makes you wonder who thought that one up.

  2. US to cut 40,000 soldiers from Army


    “Under the cost-cutting plan, the Army will be down to 450,000 soldiers at the end of the 2017 budget year, even though in 2013 it argued in budgetary documents that going below 450,000 troops might mean it could not win a war, USA Today said.”

  3. Of course, queers in and running the military today do not like the drabness of the uniforms. They would prefer a more vibrant and colorful ensemble. This will be next on the gay mafia’s agenda…and godfather obama will approve. “Taste The Rainbow”.

  4. What is the uniform for the current war we are now ‘not’ fighting, a metrosexual outfit with a big yellow streak running down the back. It is very apparent that we are in a war with Mexico and all our politicians and Mexico’s aiders and abettors in this country. The Hyphenated Hispanic legal population in this country want amnesty and millions more of their illegal cousins allowed into this country. They all will vote en mass for the party and the politicians who will support that. The aim is to become the majority group and to then use the lawful power of the constitution to run this country their way (Mexico politicians will then control two countries: a third world crap hole and the greatest and most successful country in history which will then be destined to become come one). If you don’t think that can happen then remember the big issue that still divides us. The majority once used constitutional power to deny and subjugate a minority population. Mexico, allied with other ‘Hispanic Countries, will have won the war without firing a shot (which in and of itself is interesting as we could now militarily defeat those self-same countries in less than a week). Yes, legal immigration should certainly also be on the agenda and yes hyphenated Americans are not currently a blessing or comfort, nor are their allies the pasty faced white Marxists!

  5. When you think about it, ANY type of camo uniform (especially green) would pretty much blend in with the ocean, unless it was day-glo orange or the like, in which case it becomes – shall we say, “less than functional” – on land.

  6. the War of 1812 uniform was definitely the spiffiest……the best one was the WWII one…loved that canvas belt….great carry system…..the most functional one is today’s, though
    …thanks for posting…while the Army still has one testicle left, for now…

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