Street Walkin’ With the Lunatic Left – IOTW Report

Street Walkin’ With the Lunatic Left

The left is always making videos that have unintended consequences. Take for instance the video that was just made by the feminist who wanted to document sexist street harassment. She walked the streets of NYC and made a compilation of guys hitting on her and posted it on youtube.Catcalling-600x370

Some of the responses to this video has made at least one lib think long and hard about his own party. He says, “I feel less at home on the Left these days,” finally getting a glimpse of the idiocy that the right has always been able to see.

The loons have come out an attacked the feminist because the video shows mainly black and hispanic men trolling and angling for her. So, it seems, feminists aren’t concerned with cat-calling on the street as much as they are about finding ways to minimize “the power” and “misogyny” of white men. The maker of this video has been all but told that she is a monster for releasing it because it holds no value for the left.

From the evolving lib at the Daily Banter

Unfortunately, some liberals simply couldn’t let the video stand as a testament to the bullshit that women go through. Why? Because most of the harassers in the video are nonwhite, which for some people constitutes an unacceptable narrative…
The mere idea that a disproportionate percentage of street harassers (in New York City) might be — and let’s emphasize might be — nonwhite is simply not allowed. Indeed, to even ask the question would be considered racist.

But the lunacy gets worse, and good for this libiot for recognizing it. Some other feminist finds a way to twist the narrative in an idiotic way in order to attack the video-maker for attacking women. Try and follow this ridiculousness –

It’s no coincidence that Roberts is presented in the video as being explicitly not responsible for the attacks on her because she’s not wearing “provocative” clothes and she doesn’t respond to any of the verbal assaults thrown at her. The clear implication here is that Roberts is just an innocent woman who doesn’t deserve these catcalls, thus suggesting that there are some women who, because of the way they dress or because of the way they respond, could be thought to be asking for it.”

Huh? Feminists say that a woman shouldn’t be harassed no matter what she is wearing. So what does it matter what this woman is wearing?? If she wore crotchless panties, high-heels and spinning nip tassels, the bints would be saying that her “clear implication is that she should be wearing jeans and a tee-shirt if she doesn’t want to get harassed.”

There is NO PLEASING these b!tches. That’s right, b!tches!

Here’s the evolving libiot’s reaction-

A woman shot a video while wearing a shirt and jeans — standard clothing for much of the human race — and somehow Iversen’s subtextual gymnastics arrive at the conclusion that the video is implicitly condoning harassment of women who dress differently. Beam me up.
Speaking of “asking for it,” Emily Gould at Salon does in fact entertain the idea (albeit tacitly) that street harassment might be engaged in at a higher rate by nonwhites, but seemingly for the purpose of excusing it:

“Part of being honest about street harassment and creating awareness of it has to be an honest assessment of the ways this kind of harassment can be a way marginalized groups talk back to the white gentrifiers taking over their neighborhoods.

Did you get that? The left is so concerned with running defense for uncouth, anti-social black guys that they actually use an excuse that they normally condemn- that the victim was asking for it!!

I tell you, the left needs to be eradicated.

65 Comments on Street Walkin’ With the Lunatic Left

  1. Fur, you’re right: The left needs to be eradicated. And this isn’t just in NYC where this kind of behavior happens…every city I’ve been to with a sizable non-white population has this kind of crap happen. The thing is that the white men who act like this are a mix of “Ken Shabby” (Monty Python reference) or “Leisure Suit Larry” types, but the black guys are…well…it’s damned near universal with them, even to the physical pursuit, as the one black dude who just followed this woman around (isn’t that actual harassment, or stalking?)…saw that kind of pursuit in Denver and Kansas City, and have heard and seen the catcalls and worse in Omaha, Topeka, San Antonio and Albuquerque. Mostly it was black guys, but occasionally some of the lower-status Latinos have also engaged in that kind of verbal harassment.

    Interesting little video…and very eye-opening, or should be, for those who don’t pay attention to what kind of sewers cities are deteriorating into.

  2. OMG!!!!

    I’m old, but I can tell stories of “catcalls”, horn honks, shout outs, etc., when I was young. To be honest, I took it as flattering. My insulting moment happened when I got a short haircut at a young age. Remember making the comment, “Geez, even the truck drivers are ignoring me!”

    I yearn for the old days…..

  3. hahaha…I saw this on my FB newsfeed and being an artist, a large number of my FB friends are other artists…which means lots of libs…many of whom commented that the white catcallers were “edited out” to show racial bias!!!!!! by whom was not explained.

    This is how crazy some people are!!!!!

  4. What better place to be in than possessing something that other people want. She has something called leverage. Where is the problem in free leverage, politicians sell their soul and rape the public for it.

  5. I was taught not to act like that. Men I would work with thought I was gay.
    My mother would not put up with cat call from her son. We don’t do that.
    Plus I had a better value system.
    I still open doors for women.
    That’s how I got a beautiful wife by not acting like a fool.

  6. I can say, and God is my witness, I have never cat-called a girl in my life.
    I ogle.
    I’m big on ogling.

    I also patented a move that is much worse than cat-calling and ogling.
    To this day Hippie Critic laughs about it.

    I was driving somewhere with Hippie. We were at a stop light when a girl was walking by, slowly. (Some of you ladies go slower on purpose because you want to be sized up.)
    When she looked over to see if we were looking, I don’t know why, but I hit the windshield wiper fluid a few times. Spurt spurt spurt.
    Message, and a crude one, sent.
    Hippie nearly choked to death.

  7. Just for your information ladies, I get my own cat calls…..I recently renewed my drivers license and the lovely gal said that I looked alot like Jeff Bridges in True Grit….kind of flirty even…I was flattered, until she said…. I looked like a “one eyed fat man”….all of this confused me as I have two good eyes and I’m not fat…..she saw that I was a Republican…..

  8. Fur- Not at all. Too far would have been filling the reservoir with White Russian mix and having Hippie jump out and start slurping it off the windshield. THAT would have been too far.

    Mainly because she might’ve started running for the nearest police precinct. But then, while you’re at the precinct filling out your paperwork, you *might* get her number… 🙂

  9. Many of the comments I heard were “hello,” “have a good day,” “God bless you,” “good morning,” “good evening,” etc. Since when are THOSE cat calls? Oh yeah. When you’re a brain dead, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing libtard with a chip on your shoulder, trying to prove a point that isn’t there.

  10. As I said before about this incident; she wanted this ‘unwanted attention’ for the sake of the video to put men in a bad light, as though men should not do what is natural, which I believe is the same as trying to make water feel dry.

  11. All of us men are pigs, it’s in our nature!
    Some of us are just more sophisticated pigs.

    I was taught better manners by my mother than to engage in cat calling, but I do hold doors open for women.
    It is the gentlemanly thing to do, and is an opportunity to make eye contact and smile, look at a woman coming and going, catch her scent, and sometimes get a close up look down some cleavage, all without seeming creepy! 😀

  12. Ten hours in a tight shirt with porn star double D’s. A smattering of compliments and well-wishing. Some playfulness. TEN HOURS IN SHABBY NEIGHBORHOODS WITH A BODY LIKE THAT. The guy who just walked next to her was almost certainly an African immigrant. They’ll do things like that and it’s no big deal to them.

  13. Here’s the thing I love the most;

    No white guys took the bait. If one of them had, you know it would be front and center in the video. So? Uh-oh. The progs stepped on their own righteousness and had to apologize to latino and af-am groups who complained about the video’s representation. Love it! It’s kind of like that conundrum; If God can do anything, can he make a rock so heavy that he can’t lift it? With the progs, it changes a little; Can progs manufacture so much universal victimhood that there is no one left to do the victimizing?

  14. You just know that they trolled that rack through white neighborhoods too and just couldn’t get any footage of harassment (you know, vicious things, like “hello”). I bet they really debated over whether or not to forget the catcalling angle and run with a “White guys have no balls” angle.

  15. Mostly a little play by play and then an observation of African behavior. They don’t have the social barriers that we do. He wanted to walk next to a pretty lady and did so. On another note, it’s fun to watch progs’ inability to recognize how desperately they need the very things they seek to eliminate.

  16. After reading so many comments, I finally gave up and watched the video. I didn’t see where anyone mentioned this, but it’s just a new way for feminazis to collect money. At the end of the video it says, “if you want to help, please donate to Hollaback! a nonprofit dedicated to ending street harassment.”. They gonna put all you ogling cat callers in reeducation camps with all that money they take up for Hollaback!, I betcha! 🙂

  17. Just a thought, would they feel justified in her “study” if the outfit was [her] skin-colored? In other words making her look naked. Just like these tight yoga outfits make people look.

  18. 1. She looked entirely pissed off the entire time and never looked at anyone. When you do that, people will ask you what’s wrong or avoid you. I didn’t hear anything crazy offensive. “How you doin?”
    “Hey Beautiful”? “Bless you?” OMG They are raping her with their EYES!!!! Bitch, please. Just say Hello, smile and move on. The only part that was weird was the dude that wanted to walk next to her. But still, he didn’t DO anything. lol.

    2. Don’t show the video because it’s depicting minorities in a bad light? Really? You leftists raised these children, you’re responsible until they can live out in the wild on their own. HAHAHAHHA suffer.

    But still, no matter what they think of these misunderstood and victimized ‘children’ of theirs in this video, I didn’t see anything worthy of rape whistling, or disgusting about what they were saying. However, if the left wants to PC paint themselves into a corner, I’ll donate some chip brushes.

    PS. She walked ALL DAY and that’s all she got? LOL

  19. When I was young, I worked HR for a huge corp that employed 11,000 men at that particular plant. They ranged from union hardhats to contract personnel to non-union engineers.

    I walked 2 blocks from the parking lot to my office in 3 inch heels, pencil skirts, etc. – the fashion of those days. Cat calls abounded daily. Once two guys dropped to their knees “proposing marriage.” At one point I even bought a dime store wedding ring set to flash to discourage these guys.

    In the office I interviewed men. I generally got harassed daily by one of the married men in the office who wanted me to go out for a drink with him. And daily told him yes, if he brought me a note from his wife or his wife came with us.

    I handled it and didn’t go whinny to my bosses. It didn’t affect me, except to make me laugh.

    The women now are whinny stupid duchesses.

  20. I finally watched the video. As a woman, I can say that was a really mixed bag. Some of those were really nice compliments that deserved acknowledgement and a thank-you. Others were creepy and unsettling.

    I don’t care what anyone says, clothes do send a message. Tight clothes that accentuate your figure send a message, as do skimpy clothes. With that rack she should wear a baggy man’s t-shirt and sweat pants if she doesn’t want attention.

    Black guys are the boldest about making comments. The older I get, the more I appreciate them. They still check a woman out and treat you like you’re beautiful even after you’ve put on a little baby weight. 🙂

  21. 1. Fur wins.

    2. The dudes are all looking at the back of her which we cannot see. That ass may resemble Mooshell Obama’s which would cause men “of color” to catcall and most white men to take the long way ’round.

    3. That front camera angle really does make her look “hippy,” but it may be a perspective illusion. She may have legs like Uma Thurman but we can’t really tell.

    4. If you were mildly amused by the video, check the “Saturday Night Fever” opening scene. I am STILL in love with the orange dress girl:

    Ignore the loss of widescreen view on YouTube and imagine that figure in correct perspective!

  22. Lena Dunham could walk around that or any other ghetto trash neighborhood and get the same. She ain’t “all that.” She wouldn’t stand out as anything all that special around here.

    As for the cat calling. It may happen on rare occasions in neighborhoods I have lived in, but I have never whitnessed it. Then again my parents worked hard all their life to be able to raise kids in a quality neighborhood and I am doing the same for my family.

    Regarding the video: I have not watched it, I have seen screen caps of it.

  23. @ Homina homina homina


    Yes there are photos and after posting I thought of more stories from the past and smiled at some of the funny memories of how I handled things. I’m sure all of the self sufficient ladies here have such stories that make us chuckle.

    But my attire was not like the duchess in the video. My taste in clothes was more in line with Doris Day and Jackie Kennedy.

  24. Women start from the time they get out of bed,
    Hair, war paint, jewelry , perfume, push-up bras, thongs,girdles, implants, high heels, cleavage bearing tops, tramp stamps, WTF!

  25. Honest to God, my first car had flames on it and a windshield wiper fluid spray that went clear over the top of the car and hit the car behind me! Man, was that fun. The people behind me never knew what hit ’em.

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