25th Amendment Time – IOTW Report

25th Amendment Time

The Federalist

This obvious truth is why I introduced a resolution last week that, if passed, would simply call on Vice President Kamala Harris to do what only she can do under our constitution — and that is to convene the cabinet and declare the president unable to do the job. What has been obvious to many of us from the earliest days of the Biden administration has now suddenly become politically expedient for the once-fawning corporate media as well as many radical Democrats. Leak after White House leak has demonstrated that the situation is as dire as we have all assumed, with even The New York Times now reporting that Biden’s “lapses seemed to be growing more frequent, more pronounced and more worrisome.” More

13 Comments on 25th Amendment Time

  1. No, Chip. Let Joey stay in the White House and let the Democrat Potty and the RINOs drive nail after nail after nail into their own coffins. If he’s still alive, we’ll take care of Joey on 11/5 (Dominion willing).

  2. He hasn’t been running the country anyway. Those who have have his gawdawful wife convinced she has been. She ain’t giving that up. Anything the Democrats would replace him with would not be any less destructive than this neutered jackass at this point.

    I can’t see any benefit to be gained.

  3. “Never interfere with your enemy while they are doing something stupid.” Run, Joek, run!

    And as an aside: whatever makes people think Klamidia could pass a scrutiny of her mental acuity? Then youvet got a clear path for whatever diabolical Plan B the dems have up their sleeve

  4. The Deep State may decide not to “Weekend at Biden’s” old Joe. He might be 25th’d and replaced by KamalMao ASAP.
    The Deep State might try the mail-in-ballot and tabulator count cheat again , create fake Ai polls, etc. to make KamalMao the next president in November. Just have an idea “The Big Cheat” won’t work this time and backfire if tried.

  5. Chip is an asshole of the highest caliber. This move will allow them to easily bypass the horrific ballot access laws that THEY PUT IN PLACE. Fuck the democrats. Let them be screwed. Biden hasn’t been running things since 2021 so what difference does getting rid of him and making blowjob Kamala president? Nothing will change except the dems will have the ability to replace Mr. Potatohead easily on all the ballots.

  6. God is not finished with either the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey or us.
    We have turned our backs on Him and must repent (soon).

    The Retarded Pedophile Usurper is a stooge and a puppet, as pointed out by so many, and not the driving force behind the dissolution of the US of A.
    Satan is working overtime all across the globe – on every continent – in every capital. The filth that pours into America and Europe is not an accident – the evil is active in Africa where hundreds, if not thousands, of Christians are being slaughtered every year – as the Jews are in Israel.
    Our fake “news” is complicit in the destruction of America – and should be held to account.

    Sorry for the rant – this shit pisses me off.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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