2,600 Federal Officials Invest in Firms They’re Supposed to be Regulating – IOTW Report

2,600 Federal Officials Invest in Firms They’re Supposed to be Regulating


More than 2,600 federal officials either own or have traded stock in companies their agencies oversee, according to a damning report by the Wall Street Journal

The report also found that officials frequently traded stock in companies shortly before their agencies announced enforcement actions that affected the price of those companies. More

12 Comments on 2,600 Federal Officials Invest in Firms They’re Supposed to be Regulating

  1. Gives a whole new meaning to the ole’ phrase “Invest in what you know.”

    Here’s some simple math… Send the new 87,000 after these corrupt 2,600

  2. The umpteenth time a CONSERVATIVE, DEM, union president was right in ’47 when he said,

    “The government will never our problems, … THE GOVERNMENT IS OUR PROBLEM!”!*&?#@!$*. Has always been true. Will always be true.


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