27 Year Old in Perfect Health Dies Suddenly of a Heart Attack – IOTW Report

27 Year Old in Perfect Health Dies Suddenly of a Heart Attack


Mexican singer-songwriter and telenovela actor Julián Figueroa has died. He was 27.

His death was announced Sunday night by ANDI Mexico, a.k.a. the country’s performers guild, on social media. “The National Association of Performers communicates the death of member Julián Figueroa,” read a tweet from the organization, translated to English per Deadline.

Guardia posted about the loss and revealed Figueroa’s cause of death in an Instagram post shared Monday. “It saddens me to announce the passing of my beloved son Julián Figueroa, who has unfortunately preceded us in parting from this level,” read her post, translated to English per Billboard.

The actress said she was at the theater when her son was found unconscious at his home. “They called 911 and when the ambulance and police arrived, they found him already lifeless, with no traces of violence,” she wrote. “The medical report indicates that he died of an acute myocardial infarction and ventricular fibrillation.”


15 Comments on 27 Year Old in Perfect Health Dies Suddenly of a Heart Attack

  1. “The medical report indicates that he died of an acute myocardial infarction and ventricular fibrillation.”

    Definition from the Post-Covid medical dictionary: The Jab.

  2. I pray daily for my friends and loved ones that they do not succumb to the vaccine like this poor soul did.

    Heads need to be rolled and mounted on pikes for this deceitful evil.

  3. Wow that released bio-weapon sure is bad, too bad we didn’t see it coming. And too bad no official is worried or looking into it, why worry when you only got a safe saline shot.

  4. “The medical report indicates that he died of an acute myocardial infarction and ventricular fibrillation.”

    Kind of weirdly specific. Not sure how they knew what his final arrhythmia was, considering the statement “…when the ambulance and police arrived, they found him already lifeless…”.

    …Dead people typically do not have rhythms, Vfib or otherwise. Also, Vfib is a shockable rhythm, even fine Vfib, so it would be weird especially with a younger person if they didn’t try to cardiovert and get some drugs onboard as well.

    If you give up on anything other than asystole, especially on a young person, either there’s something else MASSIVELY wrong or you’re doing it wrong.

    They worked the kid I lost for a 20 minutes on scene on top of the 15 or so minutes we worked him after we found him while waiting for the Squad, then the hospital worked him another hour. He didn’t die for lack of trying is what I’m saying, and he wasn’t anyone famous.

    I can’t imagine anyone abandoning the effort with anything resembling electrical activity present, which Vfib certainly IS.

    The MI means heart muscle was infarcted by oxygen deprivation due to a clot. The heart is generally well supplied and resilient in the young, so it was either a BIG clot or there was more than one. “Big” being a relative term, one the size of a strand of spaghetti will end you in the right place…but young people don’t typically GET those.

    At least they didn’t used to.

    Early intervention on otherwise healthy people generally has positive outcomes even if you need to help for awhile, but either they didn’t get too him fast enough or the damage was too massive.

    It’s just odd.

    The “Ventricular Fibrillation” thing as a cause of death, I mean.

    I just don’t get why they’d say that unless they wanted to use terms that anyone who’s watched a soap opera or a medical drama in the last 30 years would find comfortingly familiar and scientificy enough to ally any budding worries about it’s genesis (Vfib is SUBSEQUENT to something CAUSING it), or thinking too hard about how they even KNEW this in an unmonitored deceased person who, again, are not know for having ANY discernable electrical activity.

    …guess its better than the explanation I got, “Cardiac Arrhythmia of Undetermined Etiology”.

    Probably more honest that “Died of Vfib”, but still leaves something out.

    Jab status.

    My coroner didn’t mention it. Neither did this guy’s.

    But I asked around and found out MY kid got Jabbed that week, and went to the bathroom off the line because he was feeling poorly.

    I get nosy like that when I lose teenage patients for no apparent reason.

    I wonder why Julián’s actual doctor – didn’t.


  6. “I pray daily for my friends and loved ones that they do not succumb to the vaccine like this poor soul did.” I even pray for the nasty ones that wished us harm and wanted us force drugged and put into camps. Because my Father wants none to perish and He knows best. It ain’t easy.

    So far we have 2 successful pregnancies after the moms took the poison. I pray nothing develops. The one was a preemie but healthy. I am the only one that realizes just how blessed we are, the moms don’t have a clue.


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