28 Million Able-Bodied People Are Enrolled in Medicaid – IOTW Report

28 Million Able-Bodied People Are Enrolled in Medicaid

This is one of the most shameful statistics in America, worse than black on black shootings, and it’s emblematic of the shift in our values, authored by the left.

The left removed the stigma of leeching. They promoted it and promised all sorts of give-aways in exchange for votes.

We have a society of scumbags who feel the tax pool is filled with money stolen from the evil rich, waiting to be redistributed to the exploited by the benevolent and heroic government.

If you fake a back injury you’re righteous. You’re simply in the vanguard of the coming socialist economic structure where all wealth is redistributed, regardless of your worth in the market. There will be no market.

Skyrocketing Medicaid Enrollment Leading to Increased Government Dependency

15 Comments on 28 Million Able-Bodied People Are Enrolled in Medicaid

  1. I’m related (thru marriage) to an Ivy League masters grad, married to a doctor, and they are both on medicaid… remember that when your told about your betters, simply because they went to an Ivy League.

  2. Lots of people went onto Medicaid, SSI, and all manner of other welfare shit after the Obola job debacle.
    Millions lost their livelihoods. Millions on unemployment had no (or little) choice but to fake injuries when their unemployment ran out.
    This was a diabolical scheme, executed by the socialists (both D and R), to help destroy the Republic. And it worked, to a large extent, though it did usher in Trump, much to the consternation of the socialist maggots in Academia, Congress, the Agencies, the Media, and Wall Street.
    The battle was joined at the turn of the last century (1900) and many (perhaps most) have not awakened to their peril – such is the insidious nature of the contamination.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The fakers will be exposed pretty soon, actually. When job opportunities continue to rise — and they will, sooner than later — all those who can work but don’t will be outed. We’re at day #301 of the Trump administration; not even a year yet. Patience.

  4. I see Medicaid patients and have found that the majority were forced into the program by Obamacare as Obamacare did away with their insurance and they went to the exchanges when they could not get insurance in any other manner. Now, the Medicaid will not pay for anything, nothing. They force the doctors to get permission for treatments and diagnostic procedures and refuse all.

  5. Mark you calendars. We will be looking back on these days and marveling at how the impossible was done. In any enterprise of life there is always a period of chaos and disintegration. It has to happen before the new can be integrated, internalized and set to motion. We won’t be a nation of leeches forever — not because it’s simply immoral, but because leeching is incompatible with the coming new paradigm. Great Again.

  6. I work with a young woman who is currently in collage, and working about 30 hours a week. She was complaining to me the other day about how her “new insurance” might not cover the cost of her birth control, some $230. for three months supply. I told her to shop around, and check Walmart for a lower price. Well, she kept whining that she didn’t want to have to change brands, couldn’t afford (didn’t WANT to pay for) the $230 that CVS quoted. Then she pulls out her “insurance card” – and it is a medi-caid card! I guess the collage signs up students for insurance by enrolling them into public assistance. It’s a very good collage, not some slacker community school either. I don’t think this uni has always signed the students up for medi-caid, they had low cost insurance for students, but apparently now they go right onto welfare if they are not covered by their parents insurance.

  7. TO GrandMe and AA

    I dunno. I’d lean towards suggesting to her,
    “Just turn a trick or two more each week, and you oughta have that cost covered!” And then SMILE….

  8. When I was young it would have been embarrassing to leech off the government or your parents or anyone.
    The left is destroying our value system and they don’t care.
    People on the left should be shunned

    NO! what they need is what Ronnie tried to do – DESTROYED! Ronnie submitted a ZERO ($0) budget for Dept. Health 8 straight years. It exists only because left wing (no pun) GOP like Bod Dole voted against him!

    “..the govt can not solve our problems … THE GOVT IS OUR PROBLEM!” State of the Union ’82

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