2nd Biden Accuser: “He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me” – IOTW Report

2nd Biden Accuser: “He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me”

Breitbart: Former Vice President Joe Biden’s second accuser on Monday likened the potential 2020 presidential contender to disgraced Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) and suggested he not seek the White House, according to a report.

Amy Lappos, a 43-year old non-profit freelancer, detailed her alleged encounter with Biden in an interview with The Courant on Monday. “It wasn’t sexual, but he did grab me by the head,” said Lappos. “He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth.” According to Lappos, the alleged incident took place at a 2009 fundraiser for Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT), whom she served as a congressional aide at the time.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner Monday evening, Lappos said the ordeal reminded her of Franken’s alleged inappropriate touching of women. The Minnesota Democrat resigned from the Senate in December 2017 after several women came forward alleging sexual misconduct by him. “This is the Al Franken thing all over again,” she told the Examiner.

Lappos took to social media on Sunday, posting about the alleged incident on the Facebook page “Connecticut Women in Politics” in response to Nevada Democrat Assemblywoman Lucy Flores’ own accusations against the former vice president. In an essay for The Cut, Flores said Biden kissed her on the back of her head and smelled her hair during a 2014 campaign event.

“Women of my own party are tearing apart Flores and it was my responsibility to come forward,” Lappos told the Examiner. “What he did was hideous. It was an invasion of personal space and incredibly awkward. Joe Biden can’t keep his hands to himself. I’ve been hearing things and reading things for so long and I just had to say something.”  more here


SNIP: What is going on with Biden’s wife? Why isn’t she beating him with a rolled-up newspaper?

13 Comments on 2nd Biden Accuser: “He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me”

  1. Is it just me, or does it look like there are two different sets of behind-the-scenes people at work here……one is trying to destroy Biden’s chance of being the Democrat presidential nominee and the other one is trying to keep his chance alive.

    As for me, a devote conservative, I shall simply sit back with a big glass of water and a big bowl of popcorn, and watch the fun snicker snicker

  2. That guy is so damn creepy I can’t hardly stand to see his picture. At least Obama was discreet with his male lovers, Biden is right in your face. Why can’t he keep his hands to himself? WTF!

  3. Handsy Biden does it so often, that it is an unthinking habit and he has no recollection of it. That’s why he claims innocence, even though he does it in plain sight.
    Like playing with a cigarette lighter, or twisting rings on your fingers, or cracking your knuckles… his hands always have to be occupied.

  4. Wouldn’t all this crap have been better if it was sprung on old Joe in October 2020? Now we won’t get to see him participate in the debates. And see The Donald bitch slap him every day. I’m going to miss the creep.

  5. Would this discussion have even reached a third day…
    …if Joe Biden were a Republican??

    Same goes for ANY Fauxahontas navel gazing, Beto character studies, or Anastazia Goofo-Cortez Big Ideas.

    The constant double standard defines “journalism” and makes all these breathless questions frankly, just stupid.

    Biden is, was, will always be a moronic figure that obscures the theft, corruption and deceit that runs amok behind that Doofus.

  6. You guys got it all wrong. I respect young girls and adolescents and women so much. Total respect. How could I not respect them when they make my penis feel so good? I love them for that. RESPECT.


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