2nd COVID booster shot extends protection for just a few weeks, study shows – IOTW Report

2nd COVID booster shot extends protection for just a few weeks, study shows

Yahoo- A fourth shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine increased protection against viral infection for only four to seven weeks, according to a massive study published Tuesday.

The study included 1.25 million people age 60 and over in Israel who received their fourth dose between January and March. Israel uses only the Pfizer vaccine.

People who got the fourth dose were half as likely to test positive for COVID-19 four weeks later when compared to people who only had three doses, according to the study.

But by the eighth week, the groups were almost equally likely to catch COVID-19, researchers found. more here

21 Comments on 2nd COVID booster shot extends protection for just a few weeks, study shows

  1. How about I totally ignore the experts and get no vax?
    If the Red Chinese Wuhan Death gets me, so be it. I refuse to live in fear and panic, scampering to the needle-istas whenever they blow the whistle.

    Fuck that shit.

  2. super toe APRIL 8, 2022 AT 8:56 PM

    Well since I am on the mend from a bad cold (i won’t get tested)


    The common cold IS a covid virus, so good choice.

    Amazing how they made it criminal to get the common cold now so they can crash the world.

    The covid tests do not differentiate these things. They are just replicators. Nothing specific about them.

    Add that I wouldn’t be surprised at all if some of the swabs were purposely contaminated to give you the coof. Oh Look! You have the coof with no symptoms yet!

    Yeah, stay away from me with that test and we’ll both stay out of the hospital. Well, maybe you won’t.

  3. @ Jerry

    I think that combo would make a healthy guy three times sicker. I assume the booster makes people sicker, but viagra makes a guy stronger. If all of that’s true, give the Pfizer booster a grade of -2, and give Pfizer viagra a grade of plus 2. Now multiply -2 and positive 2 and you get a minus 4 (-4). A guy that does that goes from +2 to -4, a difference of 6 that puts him in well into negative territory. My advice is don’t do it.

  4. Jerry Manderin
    APRIL 8, 2022 AT 9:51 PM
    “Anyone know what would happen if you Pfizer boosted your testicles while taking Viagra made by Pfizer?”

    …Viagra increases cardiac activity and vasodilation.

    The Jab causes myocarditis and blood clots.

    So you’ll be increasing stress on the heart while damaging it at the same time.

    Doesn’t sound like a great combination.

    Make sure your significant other is strong enough to push your corpse off you, or have her ride you, if you want to make this experiment, unless you’re a light guy or you want her to suffocate under your dead weight in a chunky puddle of vomit until the coroner pulls it out for her…

  5. The fact that the jabbed & rejabbed continue to have “symptoms” (or make the claim; who knows when liars are telling the truth?) tells me this is complete bullshit.


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