3 Big Reasons to Vote for Hillary over Trump – IOTW Report

3 Big Reasons to Vote for Hillary over Trump

Czar of Defenestration found a nice article that complements the article I posted earlier.


In the comments section of the linked article, the author says this-

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This is what another contributor told me, that I have to give time to the people who are in mourning for Cruz. If I come on too strong I could lose them.


If I hear another person say, “if you keep insulting me I’m not going to ever vote for Trump,” I’m going to get out my automatic ass-kicking machine.

Not only are you threatening to do the wrong thing, you’re doing it for adolescent, personal and drama queen reasons.

“If you keep insulting me I’m never going to lower the lifeboats.” – Faggy McFagstrom, Lifeboat Operations Manager, RMS Titanic

20 Comments on 3 Big Reasons to Vote for Hillary over Trump

  1. Spelling Police: That “nice article” COMPLEMENTS the article you posted earlier, Fur.

    Instead of a ticket, the nice officer (me) will give you a personal mnemonic: just think of your study of “complementary colors” (colors opposite each other on the color wheel, i.e. purple and yellow) you studied in art school.

  2. BTW, “mnemonic” is today’s IOTWREPORT vocabulary word.

    An example is ROY G. BIV, the acronym used to remember the colors in the order they appear on the color spectrum.

    Oh, my. Maybe “acronym” should be the day’s vocabulary word?

    (The presumptive Republucan candidate’s presumptive choice for Secretary of the English Language LOL)

  3. The word of the day is Pragmatism.

    Deciding to support Trump now and vote for him in the fall requires Pragmatism.


    dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

    For Bad Brad:

    Any conservative who insists on writing in a candidate, or voting for a 3rd party candidate, or not voting at all because “their guy” didn’t get nominated, or because they don’t like the guy who did, is certifiably insane. That is because you are doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.

    Any republican is better than any democrat. They can nominate Romney again, or Mitch McConnel, or John Boehner. I do not care one bit WHO is nominated.

    This is war.

    The leftists pick an electable candidate. Any breathing democrat who they think can steal enough votes to get elected will get the nomination.

    They will then talk that person up. They will not EVER say one single solitary thing bad about that nominee. They will say that nominees poop does not stink.

    They will then proceed to VOTE for that nominee at LEAST once and also drag everyone they can to the polls to vote for the nominee.

    Why? Because they actually understand that this is a war.

    The stupid conservatives are the ones who DONT understand that fact.

    If you are in a war and don’t understand that you ARE in a war you are going to LOSE every time.

    Vote for who you want to in the primary. DONATE to your favorite guy. PRAY that a good candidate gets nominated.

    BUT – once the primaries are over and there is a LEFTIST candidate and a NON-LEFTIST candidate –

    You only have two choices, and you had BETTER vote for the non-leftist.

    Otherwise you are a sucker, a fool, and a drooling moron.

    The drooling morons who DID NOT go and vote for Romney just because he had a few things about him they didn’t like handed this country over to 0bama for 4 more years.

    I HOPE those same people are not that stupid again.

  4. Well, said, anonbob. The time for passion and dissension is during the primaries; once a candidate is selected, support him. Yes, hold your nose and vote for another dole or mccain or whatever. If you couldn’t get your guy the nomination, try again next round, but don’t help throw it to the enemy.

  5. When the last election rolled into town I got on the Romney Train because he wasn’t John McCain, and Robert Conrad refused to run.
    Early on I liked Rubio because reasons.
    Now its Trump.
    I changed to Trump partly because I hate the establishment, and because Rubio proved to be too green, and tried to curly wolf an old curly wolf and got his ass handed to him.
    Now I really liked Cruz’s stated positions and said he probably would be a better President, but I never warmed to the guy. But I would vote for him in a heartbeat. At his worst he will be a thousand times better than Hitlary
    At the bottom of it, Trump cracks me up. He says things that have needed to be said.
    The GOP establishment, being screw-ups visible from space deserve whatever Trump does to them. If they are not in direct collusion with the one world government forces, they make a good show of it.
    But let’s say Trump lost early and dropped out and fookin Jeb was the guy.
    I would vote for his low energy ass.
    Because he’s our guy.
    Fate has decreed it.
    So play the hand we are dealt, and play well.

  6. Lazlo, you give every reason to avoid Trump, then use it as a reason to support him.
    I understand that you are conflicted, just put him to the same standard as Hillary. Look to his actions rather than his words.
    Yes, Romney is a leftist, as his past actions show, and Trump is a ….

  7. I’ve got 3 main criteria to determine a candidate. 1) pro-life 2) pro-gun 3) pro-tax-cut

    Trump meets the bare minimum requirements, so did several of the other repub candidates.

    After that, it becomes a shopping trip to the mall. Browse for what suits your fancy. For me, Trump strikes a cord.

    Trump may be unappealing, rough, ugly, and have flaws. But so does a blunt object.

    Trump is a blunt object intended for use to destroy the establishment.

    By that I mean, destroy the bastards who we sent to DC to stop 0bama who then proceeded to turn into pussies.

    Take Paul Ryan, who gave those fiery speeches in 2012 talking about how he was gonna fix this and do that. Now he might as well be Reggie Love, as many favors as he’s doing for 0bama now.

  8. it’s very interesting to see who is coming aboard the Trump train and who is walking away. The lines are being drawn, the true puppets are being revealed.

    I hope Trump watches his back, he may get an establishment snake for a VP.

  9. John, It does not matter to me what he is.
    He is the nominee.
    If Trump quits or falls short and the cluster of a convention spits out a Romney Graham ticket I will bitch mightily and pull the lever for Romney Graham
    Lets say a third Conservative party emerges that actually has a chance, I will take a long look.
    My Criteria would be: Can they beat the Bitch of Benghazi?
    I am not conflicted, my idealism has been tempered with practicality and I am willing to hold my nose and vote because Hilary.
    If I have to listen to that witch’s voice crowing for four years I will pour molten silver in my own ears

  10. Menderman,
    Bring it ON!!!!! I hope they do every stupid story they can find on Trump, because with each one we can counter with a MORE EGREGIOUS Hillary scandal.

    It’ll be a TOUGH SUMMER for Hillary, dontcha think?

  11. Yes We Can! But I do believe that the mainstream media has a few more viewers than you and I do. Which MSM outlet will be airing your stories?

    Remember, the majority of the people in this country are absolutely positive that Sarah Palin said “I can see Russia from my house!”

    Like I said, it may not be fair or true, but it is gonna happen.

  12. Which MSM outlets are going to cover Trump loutishly countering every rump scandal with Hillary scandals?

    You’re kidding, right?

    Trump’s not Romney. Trump’s not McCain.

    Trump plays rough.
    I like him playing rough.

    It might not be for the Jonah Goldbergs, the Ben Shapiros, the Andrew Klavans, the Erick Ericksons, the Dan Josephs, you know, with their faulty hearts and fainting couches and their apologizing to the left for Trump’s ill manners, but many like it. And he’s going to continue to do it.

    I’m sure these dipshits will be standing shoulder to shoulder with the left as they call Trump a misogynist, racist, etc., creating the left’s talking points for them in their quest to get even with Trump, for whatever reason, and hand Hillary the white house.

  13. I am not on the #NeverTrump train any more. I consider myself “undecided”. That does not mean I am going to ignore the truth. I was just having a conversation with a friend about Jeb. This guy was complaining because Jeb won’t endorse Trump and he said Jeb was a POS scumbag that signed a pledge and then didn’t honor it and it proved it made Jeb unqualified and not presidential. When I told him Trump did the exact same thing in late March, he said I just say that because I don’t like Trump. Like it or not, the MSM is going to come after Trump, his ex-wives, his kids, his friends with anything and everything whether it is true or not. They do it to all republicans. They would do the same with Cruz, Ryan, Carson and every other candidate. Trumps problem is his long and storied public life gives them extra ammo. I just hope he never put a dog on top of his limo or forgot to renew the sticker on his boat, because if he did, we will hear about it. That’s reality.

  14. Trump is the only one who has a chance of lighting a fuse under the Republican Party. Come November hopefully we’ll give him the matches. Truly, this lingering, gasping, slow death of freedom and the strangling of the Constitution has to end.

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