3 Card Mueller – IOTW Report

3 Card Mueller

Clarice Feldman for American Thinker-

Three-card Monte is a centuries-old con game in which the dealer and his shills trick the unsuspecting mark into betting on a rigged card game.  Only the dealer and his people know where the winning card is, though the mark believes he’s smart enough to find out where the winning card is buried.

The public – in this case, the mark – has been led to believe that the entire years-long Mueller investigation was into Trump’s “collusion” with Russians.  But the dealer (Mueller himself) knows that it is part of a plan to undermine the president and reverse the 2016 presidential election, in which the only real Russian collusion was with Hillary.  By now his press supporters surely should know this, but they continue to feed the fiction that the game is to find the collusion in the one campaign in which there was none.

A recent Harvard-Harris poll shows that the universe of marks is getting smaller: sixty percent of Americans believe that the FBI demonstrates bias against the president and has set out to wound him politically.  Mueller’s popularity keeps plummeting.  By mid-June (the last figure I’ve seen), “a record 53 percent [are] now saying they view the lead Russia investigator in an unfavorable light.  That’s a 26-point spike since July [2017], when the poll first started asking voters whether they viewed Mueller favorably or unfavorably. … Thirty-six percent of all registered voters are also seeing Mueller unfavorably, which represents the highest level since the polling first raised the topic 11 months ago.  Back then, 23 percent of all voters said they viewed Mueller negatively.”


ht/ really enraged

8 Comments on 3 Card Mueller

  1. Only thing that matters is the vote on November 6. People can pick their polls before then, but the election returns are what will actually change anything.

    Well, and maybe if we get some replacements for Sessions and Gowdy who will actually prosecute.

  2. With chief whimp Sessions at the top spot in the DOJ does Mueller give a rats ass where his popularity rating is? He is despised by millions of Americans but leftists are incapable of embarrassment or any other emotion not connected with their nefarious dirty acts.

  3. In real world 3 card Monte, the game usually abruptly ends when the cops come on the scene. Not sure what will end this game at this point. Unclassified, unredacted reading material would certainly help pass the time until it does end, though.

  4. ” …. leftists are incapable of embarrassment or any other emotion not connected with their nefarious dirty acts”

    BINGO!!! Progressives, such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Che, Chavez, Merkle, Ming, Castro, et al, care little for ‘popularity contests’ once they gain power … as Hillary Clinton stated .. “there is nothing but ‘the struggle'”

    Mueller & the rest of the Oligarchy overthrowers of the US Justice System know the reward is their status within the new system

    being Court Jester has it’s perks … at least you’re not one of the serfs, toiling in misery & hopelessness for generations to come …. welcome to the Brave, New World

  5. Why is Mueller still alive? Or any employee of the FBI and the DoJ for that matter? Their blatant fraud, corruption, treason, and sedition has been on public display for WELL over a year. When “Law Enforcement” and the “Legal” system refuse to do their job…


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