3 Dead, 4 Injured in Bowling Alley Shooting – IOTW Report

3 Dead, 4 Injured in Bowling Alley Shooting

It began as a fight between two groups in Torrance, California


Witnesses say the shooting stemmed from a disagreement between two groups that spiraled into violence. One witness described it as a “huge” brawl that lasted five minutes, reports the AP.

“There was a big group of people, seemed like they were having fun earlier,” witness Dana Scott tells ABC News. “People were laughing, having a good time, next thing we know there was a fight and it was the girls. … So they were yelling and cussing and fighting and people were on the floor and then some young men got into the fight.” Gunshots were heard soon after.


21 Comments on 3 Dead, 4 Injured in Bowling Alley Shooting

  1. Interesting Poll at bottom of the Story.

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  2. …Derbyshire rules. I don’t agree with everything he says, but he does give some valid advice here…

    (10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date (neglect of that one got me the closest I have ever gotten to death by gunshot).

    (10d) Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks.

    (10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.”

    …he’s been pretty thoroughly purged from the Internet, but adults who are not easily offended can still see them here…


  3. “Is it racist to know, without looking?”

    Anonymously assuming connections between the cultural practices of any group or individual and their presumed skin color is indeed racist. We liberals NEVER do that, you backwards, no teeth, banjo picking, sheet wearing cracker honkey.

  4. @ Cassdandra Shapiro-Dawes

    Oh Come on, lets be civil, I have teeth (well some of ’em).
    I am a bit backward, I still have a flip phone and don’t do facebook, twitter or any other social network. I have no musical ability, I am white (or 1/1240 indian) and have run around naked in the backyard with a white sheet around my neck with an “S” written on it with a sharpy.

    Epiphany: Oh my, I “AM” a cracker honkey.

    Never Mind, my apologies.

  5. “and have run around naked in the backyard with a white sheet around my neck with an “S” written on it with a sharpy.”

    …I have to caution you about that last one, @cato. My handle AND avitar are because of a cautionary tale I told about a man, a cape, and a bedpost that I was only involved in because I was the attending medic at the resultant disater.

    The FULL story can be found HERE, deep in this old thread about names. I was just “Nightshade” then, so this wasn’t about my handle THEN, but a respose to Hoo Hoo Nay Nay’s handle, which you should ALSO look up, it’s hilarious..


    …anyway, short version…

    “…seems they were playing a little game, where she was a naked Lois Lane crying out for her, ah, “Man of Steel”. He chose to cosplay a bit, tying a sheet around his neck as a cape, but nothing else by way of clothing. Ok so far, but THEN, he decided “why not leap from on high to the rescue?”, and climbed a nearby bureau for that purpose. Apparently his landing calulations were thrown off just a bit by all the beer he’d drunk, as he went a bit high, hit a bedpost on descent, and knocked himself out and rolled away.

    Young Lois was beside herself, dressed herself in a panic of shame, then called 911. Enter Nightshade from the Little Red Truck, and you know the rest…”

    …moral of the story? Well, like in “The Incredibles”, NO CAPES.

  6. No mention of more stringent gun laws needed???

    Black on black crimes?
    Black lives don’t matter?
    The damn democrats don’t give a damn if it isn’t convenient to their propoganda?
    All the guns were ILLEGAL?

  7. Sen. Cumdumpster Harris tweeted that her heart breaks for the victims and that we must do more to stop gun violence. After Officer Singh was killed by an illegal alien, did the old mattress back say that we must do something about the invasion of our country by murderous south of the border savages?

  8. @ Supernightshade: Thanks VERY much for that link! As a “disgusting old white bigot hater”, I’ve set it on to several who will appreciate it. In fact, a few of the several already have thanked me.

  9. …you’re welcome, @forcibly deranged. Guess the PC Police ain’t caught THOSE folks.


    They just loooove to erase things, though, don’t they? That’s why the ONLY weapon we have for this is a sort of informational Diaspora, where we MUST spread EVERYTHING as far and wide as it can, so they at LEAST have to WORK a little before they can redact any thought other than theirs, so thank YOU for sharing it…

  10. This just in: Cricket Match in Oxford UK erupts in horrible violence. At least six have been terribly insulted and 11 more are experiencing tummy upsets.

    The violence began when the host team, the Oxford Sneersuckers, served tea at the traditional tea break halfway through the cricket match at the 11th hour of day 2. The visiting team, the Cambridge Horsebags, became irate when there wasn’t enough tea and scones for them. Insults flew back and forth. Then someone yelled: “Your Father is a Wog and Your Mother is a French Foofi” (nobody remembers which side tossed this dreadful insult) and the insults became even more heated. Someone (again, nobody knows which side) produced a “whoopi cushion”, a childish prank from America, and sat on it over and over again while pointing to the other team. Soon the cricket field was filled with the hurt and trembling cricketeers and their supporters. Reports back from Buckingham Place, where the Queen was watching the match on the telly, said that she had fainted and has been taken to hospital. Her condition is unknown. A Scotland Yard spoksesperson called it even a worse incident than the 14 killed Tuesday last from machete carrying Muslim immigrants in London’s Underground.

  11. FWIW, in the context of developments in South Africa, and applicable here, an old friend has several times said “Give them enough time – they’ll uninvent the wheel”!


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