3 snow leopards killed by COVID at Lincoln Children’s Zoo in Nebraska – IOTW Report

3 snow leopards killed by COVID at Lincoln Children’s Zoo in Nebraska

The “unvaxxed” includes Snow Leopards. Shame them.


The pandemic has claimed three more lives.

The three snow leopards at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo in Nebraska died from COVID-19 complications.

In October, the leopards and two Sumatran tigers tested positive for the virus and were treated with steroids and antibiotics. While tigers Axl and Kumar recovered, leopards Ranney, Everest and Makalu succumbed.

“It is very tough to lose any animal unexpectedly, especially one as rare and loved as the snow leopard,” a zoo spokesperson told local 1011 News.


25 Comments on 3 snow leopards killed by COVID at Lincoln Children’s Zoo in Nebraska

  1. I looked it up. Zoo animals are being given the covid jab.
    So stupid.
    In the Corona virus animal trials several years ago the vaxxed
    ferrets all died when exposed to the wild virus.

  2. There is a Chinese dish served in the home land called
    “Dragon duels with Tiger” It is actually Snake & Cat.

    Source: china.org.cn nov 7/2007

    If they add “Bear” it is Dog.

  3. Killed by chinkypox, or is this just more propaganda?
    At this point, anything coming from “official” sources needs fact checking by actual fact checkers, not controlled opposition fact checkers.

  4. Lincoln is now called “The People’s Republic of Lincoln”.

    The Mayor is a hardcore leftist bitch from California. They still have citywide mask mandates.

    I was lucky enough to get out earlier this year.

    TPRL is a leftist hellhole.


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