3 studies: healthy person has 0.0072% chance of dying of Covid-19 – IOTW Report

3 studies: healthy person has 0.0072% chance of dying of Covid-19

Now let’s ruin an economy because TRUMP.


Oh sweet Jesus, now the scam is laid bare for everyone.

42 people without one of the defined underlying conditions died.

5,891 with one or more did.  (Review of the rest hasn’t been completed yet.)

That’s 0.71% of those with confirmed cases, which means you’re symptomatic enough to get tested.

Now add at least half that for the asymptomatics and maybe more — in fact the evidence is that we’re already at or near herd immunity levels based on multiple seropositive surveys — not just the one run by Stanford but in many other locations as well!  In addition we know only 12%, approximately, of those symptomatic enough to get tested require hospitalization in the first place.


If the Stanford study holds then that’s overstating the risk by fifty times or more which means you’re more-likely to die from any other cause than Covid-19 at any age provided you are not on that “it may get you” list of conditions.

I remind you that this rate has been holding since the start; it’s nothing new.  I’ve reported on it several times.  People have said “oh it will get worse.”  Well, it hasn’t and now New Yawk’s screaming Karens have been proved wrong. including chief nozzle-face Cuomo.

For reference this is pretty comparable to your all-cause mortality rate at any age beyond 24 without taking the Stanford (and two other smaller state studies I wrote on today) into account and yet the risk of dying of this bug has been used to scare the bejeezus out of the entire population.

What are the odds that all three of those studies, in three diverse population groups in three different places in the United States are all wrong?  Nearly zero, and yet if they’re correct then the risk isn’t 0.36% — it’s 1/50th of that or less which means the actual risk for a healthy person is roughly 0.0072%!


26 Comments on 3 studies: healthy person has 0.0072% chance of dying of Covid-19

  1. Was wondering about that stat a MONTH ago, and I live FIVE miles from New Rochelle.

    Social distancing (a Stalin like term) does NOT equal work distancing, they are warping language as usual.

    Why do I have the feeling this whole thing is directed at the private sector and not the public sector?

  2. Without destroying this economy there was no chance in hell to beat Trump. I am starting to see some people turning away from him due to all the media manipulation. Hope he has a good game plan and enough time to get it out there. He’s the only chance to turn our economy back around.

  3. What percentage of the population over 50 has none of these death risk factors? 0.0072%?

    Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

    Based upon available information to date, those at high-risk for severe illness from COVID-19 include:
    People 65 years and older
    People who live in a nursing home or long-term care facility

    People of all ages with underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled, including
    People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
    People who have serious heart conditions
    People who are immunocompromised
    Many conditions can cause a person to be immunocompromised, including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications.
    People with severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 40 or higher)
    People with diabetes
    People with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
    People with liver disease

  4. Glad you posted that!

    In Washington, 91% of deaths were age 60+, 8% between 40-59. Don’t have numbers on percentage of those with/without one or more ‘health conditions.’ For those who haven’t seen the official Washington State site/numbers:

    https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/Coronavirus (scroll down)

    We can’t stop this virus. All we can do is protect the most vulnerable and hope that treatments work for them (like me) when they do get it.

    Otherwise, we need to get back to work to avert the next crisis: ECONOMIC COLLAPSE!

  5. Thats 72 in 10,000, had to look it up!

    But, is that cases contracted or just a pure percentage?? Like buying Powerball, you have to be ‘in it to win it’ to be considered part of the pool, that could win…just asking about the math here??

  6. But of course it is Trump’s fault. Remember how he was incompetent for not suggesting to states what they should do, then he was a tyrant for suggesting to states what they should do?

    If it is sunny when we need rain, it is Trump’s fault. If it then rains but there is flooding, it is Trump’s fault.

    Remember it was Trump who convinced Chamberlain to sign the Munich agreement.

  7. Death rate in Virginia so far? .0035%
    A majority of which occurred in nasty nursing homes.

    But governor Coonman declared Virginia on lockdown until June 10th. Declaration was nearly a month ago.


    You make the call.

  8. What’s the death rate of people who aren’t getting tests, treatments and such because they are afraid to go to the hospital because of the WuFlu-or they can’t because their specialist is home watching Netflix?

    I follow kidney pages and there are many people skipping dialysis, or were starting right when the virus hit now they have an unused fistula in their arm and feel terrible or their name came up on the transplant list and it’s delayed (it seems they finally changed transplant to necessary surgery). Cancer treatments? Heart attacks? What about those people, don’t they matter?

    I guess they do because they’ll just chalk it up to WuFlu, add to the scary numbers so we can be lockdown till November.

  9. All of these have a greater probability of causing your death:

    Cause of Death / Odds of Dying
    Heart disease / 1 in 6
    Cancer / 1 in 7
    All preventable causes of death / 1 in 25
    Chronic lower respiratory disease / 1 in 26
    Suicide / 1 in 86
    Opiod Overdose / 1 in 98
    Motor Vehicle Crash / 1 in 106
    Fall / 1 in 111
    Gun assault / 1 in 298
    Pedestrian Incident / 1 in 541
    Motorcycle Crash / 1 in 890
    Drowning / 1 in 1,121

  10. I was arguing with my sister today who I swear has bi-polar, one week she agrees with me, the next week it’s serious a 22 year old boy died and a 50 something year old man died who had not been sick. This was today. I told her to quit listening to the damn news, she gets a little sane when she stops and then back to hiding under the bed when she goes back to watching the news.
    The 22 year old, not that media will ever tell, caught it from family not work, if he even had it. He also had a heart condition he was born with and was a recent cancer survivor.
    The 50 something year old, with just a little digging through his family on social media, had high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, had a heart attack a few years ago and was obese.

  11. Up until a few days ago, the youngest Wuhan virus victim in GA was supposedly a 22 year old woman. Without much fanfare, a few days ago, the coroner in her county completed the autopsy and found that she had died from a pulmonary embolism. She recently gave birth by Caesarean section and a blood clot apparently traveled to one of her lungs. Though she tested positive for the virus, the coroner said she would have died from the blood clot regardless. I’m guessing she wasn’t removed from the official death statistics though.

  12. @Dan Knowles April 20, 2020 at 8:35 pm

    > Is it just me, or does anybody else feel like we’re getting closer to shooting our way outta’ this?

    “Feel” like it? It’s not just you. There’s millions.

    “Expect” it? Those millions are ruminating on granpaw’s couch. Cleaning granpaw’s guns. Waiting for granpaw’s ghost to give em a sign. Just like granpaw did.

  13. I just found the site that this story was pulled from (The Market Ticker) about a month ago. A lot of great info on what a sham this entire lock down has been. I highly recommend you make it a part of your daily web surfing.

  14. Every time I post something like this I get bombarded from people who tell me it’s a lie. Covid is deadlier than anything! Stay home! Arrrggghhh!
    Funny thing is by our observation is that most of the ones who want to stay closed up are retired, on welfare or still working. They aren’t laid off or losing their business or homes.
    I’ll still post it. 🙂

  15. What’s funny is that at one time (long, long ago, in a galaxy not too far away) Americans could identify the odor of bullshit.
    We laughed at “tall tales” – didn’t run and hide in the basement.
    It was different with Welles’ broadcast of “War of the Worlds” but that was mostly confined to New Jersey, which … well … you know …

    Anyhow, now we’re like some strange episode of “The Twilight Zone” where everybody loses his mind and starts pimping out his neighbors (sorta like Russia and Germany in the 30s – or China and NorK anytime) or killing them.

    We need to get a grip.

    “You must remember this
    A flu is just a flu
    A sigh is just a sigh
    The fundamental things apply
    As time goes by”

    izlamo delenda est …

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