3-Time Felon Jumps Over Bench and Beats a Woman Judge – IOTW Report

3-Time Felon Jumps Over Bench and Beats a Woman Judge


They call it a “shocking” video.

Seriously, who here is “shocked”?

39 Comments on 3-Time Felon Jumps Over Bench and Beats a Woman Judge

  1. Assholes like that should appear in court with a device secured around their body that will send 50,000 volts into them with the press of a button held by the judge.

  2. Well, why not? A Soros judge is supposed to let him go, not hit him with any kind of punishment.

    I might be persuaded to do the same thing if I was suing the cops for violating my rights because they had the wrong address, the wrong car, the wrong dog, or was just plain wrong, and the judge said, “You aren’t awarded jack because the cops have qualified immunity.”

  3. We are witnessing the results of 45 yrs of blacks being told from birth that they don’t have to pay consequences, that the system is racist, that they have the right to and duty to hate whitey and to fight back.
    These people are sounding and acting more like third worlders than ever.
    Also giving a bad name to black people who aren’t racist azzhats.
    I wonder if his mother and aunts and sisters tell everyone he’s really a sweet guy?

  4. He’s probably used to using White women for sex whether willing or not whenever he wants to, so having one fuck HIM for a change confused and enraged his primitive mind, unleashing the automatic jungle response.

  5. Welcome to Mutual of Omahaha’s “Wild Courtroom”.

    Here we see the muscular Hoodrat, taken out of its native environment after it attacked other explorers, to decide if it is better to return it to its habitat or if its too dangerous to its own kind to do that now.

    The beast shown here is being held in what is called a “Well”, attended by handlers trained in taking down large animals but is unwisely unrestrained. The lead researcher believes that there is enough space between her and this animal and enough obstacles and handlers between them for her safety, but little does she understand the power and fury of the specimen currently before her. To demonstrate for our audience, I’ve asked Jim to go down off-camera and poke it from behind with a stick as she attempts to communicate with the beast.


    And now you see the speed and agility of this truly terrifying predator as it rapidly crosses the wide open spaces and leaps nimbly over every obstacle while eluding its surprised handlers far more rapidly than the researcher anticipated. Looks like a goring in progress here folks, and for once it’s not our Jim on the receiving end! Notice how it continues to fight even after it is brought to bay once the keepers have had sufficient time to recover and attempt to protect the lead researcher. This creature is running on pure hatred and adrenaline, and multiple blows from trained professionals are required to once more subdue it and allow the lead researcher to escape further mauling.

    She demonstrates here for us by her narrow escape that we never know when, God forbid, sudden death awaits us. She and you should turn to our sponsors at Mutual of Omahaha for the peace of mind of your families should the beast succeed in its blind rage the next time. With no medical exam required its easy for everyone but Jim to qualify, so why not call them today!

  6. “Judge” should have shown him her immunity card.
    “Judges” can’t be held responsible for their imbecilities.
    Dude should be retro-actively aborted.
    “Judge” just got a reality check.
    Fuck all lawyers – “judges” included.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. All those commercials we see now with all those civilized black actors pretending to be jist like de white folks but reality is a bitch. Fucking recently come down from the trees animals is what we are dealing with in real life. Wonder if the judge got any kind of a wake up call.

  8. 3 times is a charm. I love it when a liberal judge thinks they’re safe in their court room and gets mugged right in front of everyone. I’m sure I saw a cartoon as a kid depicting this episode.

  9. I give credit to the white civilian in the suit sitting next to the judge (court recorder?). That guy was on it before the deputies could pull their thumbs out of their asses. And as usual, the thugs female relatives were running their mouths at full volume. As someone once said, “a liberal is just one mugging away from being a conservative.” Let’s hope judge Mary Ann has a renewed sense of Justice after this.

  10. Justice for the (un)justice system…it’s coming.

    God called judges gods because they have one of the attributes of God to judge men. They need to fear God and to judge justly.

    That will not happen until the just Judge comes in power and great glory to pour out the wrath of God (that will be) revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness(.)

  11. The way that chimp jumped the desk, he shoulda been playing for the National Felon’s League.
    From the judge’s appearance, she looked like a LibTard. Soooo, I’m thinking she got what she deserved. (is anyone going going to judge me for assuming gender, or “man’splaining”?)

  12. The guy in the suit will be charged with assault because Mr. Dindu was clearly restrained when being punched.

    Maybe the Bailiffs were in a quandary. How could they use a gun to protect the judge when leftists, especially the judge, are forever saying that people don’t need guns to protect themselves.

  13. Sometimes the Schadenfreude is sweeter than others, but rarely does it turn the reprobate from evil. We are dealing with true-believing Commmunist that know their power and prestige rest on their fealty to the Party, and don’t care what bad happens to OTHER people
    because they believe the Party will shield THEM.

    And indeed it does. To the best of its power.

    …case in point, take Federal “Judge” Susan Dlott. She was at the forefront of promoting and facilitating Black rage behavior, an early enabler of BLM before their was such a thing and also held her protective Federal hand
    over those wonderful Antifa progenitors, Occupy Wall Street, when she wasn’t excusing Black violence because, Muh White Supremacaihh.

    From these very august pages back in 2015,
    “One of the pioneers of the “blame black crime on white racism” movement is Judge Susan Dlott out of Cincinnati. In the law game, she is revered for her early rulings that essentially outlawed racial profiling.

    Race has nothing to do with crime, she said over and over. And if it does, well… it’s really all about poverty, not black on white hostility.”


    …and, if you peruse this article, you see that sometime after this, her Indian Hill mansion got raided by a passel of Obamasons, her rousted out of bed and forced to give up her stuff, her worthless scumbag
    disbarred, breast-cancer money stealking piece of shit husband, well-known legal thief Stan Chessley got (satisfyingly) punted down the stairs and the didndus got away.

    For a little while.

    For someone who was quick to tell people they shouldn’t say “Black”, she was EVEN QUICKER to do so herself…

    “Anyway, just a few years ago, the judge and her uber-successful trial lawyer husband were enjoying the good life as Cincinnati’s most prominent liberal couple in the largest mansion in their region when several people broke in and did a bit of pistol whipping and threatening and robbing of the judge and her elderly husband.

    The judge managed to escape. And after running barefoot in the snow for two miles to reach a phone, the first thing she did was throw her ruling out the window and described her attackers as black to the 911 operator.”

    Of course all of Federal “Law Enforcement” was mobilized to answer this crime against a Party loyalist, and they were soon brought before the bar. Was this kind, loving, understanding “Judge” an advocate for
    mercy for the downtrodden, a fierice Social Justice warrior willing to put her money where her mouth is, a champion of releasing them for it’s society’s fault?

    She was not.

    “Dlott described Chesley being knocked to the ground, suffering a concussion and several fractured bones during the ordeal. “My husband is 80 years old. This shouldn’t have happened to an 80-year-old man,” Dlott said.

    Both described being awakened by the suspects, with guns pointed at them, not realizing the men had already been in their house for a half-hour robbing them.

    Dlott and Chesley were apparently only targeted for their seeming wealth, the gunmen apparently had no idea who they were.

    “Susan looked them in the face and said, ‘Here are keys. I’m a United States federal judge and the FBI will look for you forever,” Chesley said.

    Chesley described having a .45 held to his head during the entire ordeal before being knocked down the stairs trying to defend his wife.

    When they were all in the garage so the gunmen could take their cars, Dlott hit the garage door opener and the men fled, while the couple ran barefoot into the woods near their house.

    There courtroom erupted as both called for strong sentences. “I hope they never get out of jail. I’m sorry they should never be out of prison,” Chesley said, after describing himself as one of the most liberal men in the country.”


    …sounds pretty redpilled for “one of the most liberal men in the country” and his thug-freeing wife, nicht wahr? But alas, they did not turn from evil as evil pays too well.

    …on Earth, anyway, after is another matter…

  14. jacopo
    THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 2024, 14:23 AT 2:23 PM

    “all these riots and no night sticks?”

    …Night sticks and PR-24s require skill and can be VERY effective.

    Two things Communist hate.

  15. For those who doubt the supernatural effect on the natural realm, that incredible leap is a vivid demonstration of demonic possession.

    Sure, the evil bastard is a habitual violent criminal with no impulse control. However, it’s very, very unlikely a human being, no matter how “jungle” they are can move that fast, leap that high and fight that viciously without in this case, demonic assistance.

    Think about it. The flying perp was operating on a level with the greatest of ease without trapeze. That’s not natural…at all.


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