3 Years Ago Today – IOTW Report

3 Years Ago Today

Why does it take so long for politicians to got to jail, if at all?

12 Comments on 3 Years Ago Today

  1. Why? These are the same people that very recently gave themselves a raise. These are the people that could put term limits in place for themselves but won’t. These are the people that have a 4 day workweek on those weeks that they haven’t declared to be non-working weeks. These are the people that spend between 40 to 80 percent of their time raising funds for their party.

    These people answer to nobody because they have crafted a system that uppermost, benefits themselves and they’ve got the stock portfolio’s to prove it.

    The bottom line is that they make the rules and they will enforce them as they see fit.

  2. You think three years is bad? A Thousand years from now, after Man emerges from his self-imposed darkness, they may dig though the clouded history, distorted by the Left and find that at the beginning of the 21st century, during the age of Political Correctness, they installed a flat-footed, tone-deaf, Gay-obsessed, plastic banana republic, Socialist Rat-Fucking, Rat-bastard known as the Øbamboozler, along with other sexually confused and mentally ill morons were elevated to positions of power. Then four years after his administration they double-downed on the insanity by intalling an utterly dishonest, unpatriotic, greedy, vain, venal, vicious, bed-wetting, pants-shitting, perverted Bubbling Vat Of Irish Dumpster Juice who acts like the mutant combination of the Winnebago man and Karl Childers by using a lawnmower blade to hack up our economy, our energy systems, our Military, our Police forces, our borders, international trust, foreign policy and agreements, who has some seriously misplaced priorities that only demonstrates his absolute hatred of America and Americans.
    That’s when they will exclaim: “Ah ha! THIS is where Man fucked up!!”

  3. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Powell, Obama, Clinton, Hillary and so many others are still running around despite mountains of evidence of treason, war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc. The government-run legal system is NEVER going to go after its own.

  4. If you want Justice, don’t expect it from lawyers.

    The government is infested with lawyers, nearly 100%.

    Gone are the soldiers, coopers, farmers, blacksmiths, carpenters, ministers… you know, PRODUCTIVE citizens, not PARASITIC hypocrits.

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