3,000-Year-Old Tablet Claims The God “Ea” Tipped Noah To The Coming Flood – IOTW Report

3,000-Year-Old Tablet Claims The God “Ea” Tipped Noah To The Coming Flood

UK Daily Mail

A Babylonian retelling of Noah and the Ark on a 3,000-year-old clay tablet could be one of the oldest example of fake news, a Cambridge academic has claimed.

In the engraved scripture, Ea the Babylonian god appears to suggest to Noah that he tell his helpers ‘food will rain from the skies’ if they help build the ark.

However, Dr Martin Worthington, a leading expert on the Babylonian language, claims that the words have a double meaning.

Dr Worthington discovered the trickery on the 11th tablet of Gilgamesh, dating back to 700BC, which gives the Babylonian account of the flood. More

22 Comments on 3,000-Year-Old Tablet Claims The God “Ea” Tipped Noah To The Coming Flood

  1. Additional Aquafeeders

    Arrkkadian Sîn-lēqi-unninni was a mašmaššu who lived in Mesopotamia between 1300 BC and 1000 BC. He is remembered for having compiled the Epic of Gilgamesh written in cuneiform. “Sha naqba īmuru” “He who saw the deep” “The one who saw the Abyss”

    Tales from the Deep

  2. I remember it well … Gilgamesh and Inkidu were at it hot and heavy when Ea sent that message (which, as a good journalist posing as a messenger/agent, I intercepted) that was destined for Gilgamesh’s secretary, Snuffelacockus, or something of that sort (everybody in Ur had funny names and wore funny hats), but I took it directly to Noah – he was a straight shooter – and a damned good tipper.

    The message was sorta “blah, blah, blah … lotsa rain and shit … blah, blah, blah … gather up some animals … blah, blah, blah …” more or less. Nothing that I could reasonably sell to Gilgamesh – so I thought – heck with it! Let Noah have it – get a big tip – and slink off back to Ur!

    Good times … yep … good times …

  3. “My question is: How did a CLAY tablet survive the FLOOD that covered the earth and lasted 3 months to a year?


    Does it say the tablet is pre-flood?

    Better question is how fresh dinosaur tissues survived ‘millions and millions of years’ in the dirt out west.


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