300,000 Americans Signed Up For Tickets For Trump Rally in Tulsa – IOTW Report

300,000 Americans Signed Up For Tickets For Trump Rally in Tulsa

And we are told by the corrupt media that demented Joe is leading in the polls. Right.

17 Comments on 300,000 Americans Signed Up For Tickets For Trump Rally in Tulsa

  1. Just recently discovered Communist You-Tube channels msnbc and cnn. Leftists commenting are SO fun & excitable, and those sites are now 2 of my favorites (next to iotw, of course). I use my REAL name and make thousands of enemies! I LOVE those sites ♥♥ [They’re freaking out over this OK rally but “know” that the “crowds” are all being PAID–mental illness isn’t funny,but LOL]

  2. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama is protecting his supporters. He’s keeping them safe from the Trump Virus and away from the possibility that they might become infected with Common Sense. Plans for a really big rally in Baltimore or Philadelphia are being prepared, but Obiden Bama’s main concern is protecting his two or three thousand supporters who might catch the deadly Common Sense antidote. Also, Dr. Jill has serious concerns that her Poor Joey might be misinterpreted for incorrectly reading off those pesky notes.

  3. just got done watching PDT attend the graduation of the 2020 West Point Cadets. the man (who will be 74 tomorrow) stood in the sun, for well over an hour, & saluted each and every one of the 1,107 graduates …. individually!

    the man has more stamina than I do, for sure

    Creepy Joe would be wandering off stage after the first 2 minutes, babbling on about trying to find the ice cream stand

  4. @1st Anonymous – hey asshole, I hope George Soros gave you a reach around when he fucked you up the ass as he handed you laundered TrollMoney™ to talk shit on Conservative sites where ADULTS converse


  5. Back to topic.

    300K have signed up? That is a direct slap in the face by everyday American People against….
    the Democrat Party
    Joe Biden
    Nancy PEElosi
    Bride of Chuckie Schmuck
    fascist Antifa terrorists
    BLM terrorists
    Mainstream Media


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