“It’s Not Who We Are” … but it will be. – IOTW Report

“It’s Not Who We Are” … but it will be.

NEWSER – Well, well, well. It looks like the ridiculous hairdo is on the other head.

(What the hell does that even mean????? -bfh)

In the wake of Trump proposing a ban on Muslims entering the US, two US mayors have expressed interest in doing the same to Trump. “I am hereby barring Donald Trump from entering St. Petersburg until we fully understand the dangerous threat posed by all Trumps,”

(I thought Newser’s opening line was stupid. It’s been topped by this jackass. -bfh)


11 Comments on “It’s Not Who We Are” … but it will be.

  1. The best is the comment on the article below – could liberals actually help Trump with their own knock-off Rush Limbaugh Operation Chaos (he encouraged Republicans to vote for Hillary and keep 2008 going)…they clearly don’t get what the point was!!

    Article Comment:
    *!*!* HELLO LIBERALS *!*!*

    Please take a “Dump with Trump”.

    If your state has an “open” primary, please take the time to cast your ballot for this buffoon in the Republican primary.

    Republican idiots are their own worst enemies — but they could still use your help in dumping the Donald right into the lap of their putrid party in order to flush their Presidential dreams down the drain.

    Republican idiots deserve nothing less than the Donald. Let’s help give them what they crave.

  2. I can’t understand why America has no stomach for sensible, simple solutions to simple problems.

    No one has a “right” to come here. NO ONE!
    So, keeping them out isn’t discriminatory, or ray-cyst, or any other stupid invented excuse to be offended. Same with the mexicans – they have no “right” to come here – no “right” to free shit.

    Exclusion is just common sense.

    The bureaucracy and punditry are a gaggle of disingenuous fools.

    Why we tolerate them is a different question.

  3. We never hear of a Muslim speaking against jihad attacks, just former Muslims. It’s either because they don’t disagree with the attacks or they are afraid for their lives.

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