Governor Andrew Cuomo has a plan – IOTW Report

Governor Andrew Cuomo has a plan

CityJournal: Governor Andrew Cuomo has a plan to solve the problem of street homelessness in New York City; he wants to put them in Creedmoor, a massive institution for the mentally ill in eastern Queens. During its mid-century heyday, Creedmoor housed 7,000 people in dozens of buildings, many of which are now sitting empty.

homeless peeing in street nyc

Cuomo’s proposal was seconded by Queens state senator Leroy Comrie, who said that “the homeless individuals [at Creedmoor] would have an excellent chance of being successful with a complement of services.”

Cuomo’s spokesperson said that the details of the governor’s plan will be spelled out in the forthcoming State of the State address, but it sounds like the plan is to turn Creedmoor into a homeless shelter. more here

17 Comments on Governor Andrew Cuomo has a plan

  1. Thousands of homeless in one central location. What could possibly go wrong? The majority (not all) have mental issues, substance abuse problems and lack life skills. They can’t cope with life and they can’t cope with other people

    I work with an Outreach and before this even take off I can tell you it will fail.

  2. Well, I guess the lunacy comes full circle. It was the Dems who closed all the asylums and released all the crazy people because . . . .well, I don’t even remember why anymore. Something, something, feelings, dignity, rights, something, something. . . .

  3. “Hey! Lookee here, man! They sent us back home! I’m even gettin’ my old bunk back. Now, me, you, Napoleon and Charlemagne can start playin’ hearts, ah-gin!”

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