~~~~~~~~ – IOTW Report



22 Comments on ~~~~~~~~

  1. She looks like one of the women standing behind Clinton the other night that he was using for props.

    Boy BB, there’s so many REgressives I would personally love to run into that I don’t think I could get it down to 2. I guess if I had to name one that I could…ahh..run into with no repercussions, that would be Obama.

  2. The first time I saw him in a movie I knew that I knew him from somewhere. He’s 4 years older than me but I went to school with his brother Chris, who was a year younger.
    I saw him a few years ago, was sitting at the usual coffee shop with Ed O’Neill and some other friends. I’ve mentioned before that I know Ed as a coffee shop friend – and Brad I have a story you will love about him and Alec Baldwin, which I related here a couple of years ago. Anyhow, Sean gets out of an SUV, dressed in black with cowboy boots and with a posse of 3 or 4 guys. Sees Ed, and Ed gets up and they hug. I mentioned it to Ed years later after he told a story about Sean threatening to fight him, then realized who it was and also that Ed knew Chris. But when they hugged all I could think was that this must be something the A-listers do.
    Anyhow, Sean may have some fun aspects to him but in a clinch he’s an aggressive asshole, probably did knock his women around.

  3. Yea LCD, I figured Sean for an aggressive ass hole. That’s why he’s on my list. It’s easy to be bad ass from a safe vantage point. I hope I meet him and his asshole kid at the same time. The truth shall set them free. I’ll be down there again in about 6 weeks. I’ll hit you up.

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