The end paragraph, posted below, by Heather Mac Donald, as good as it is, pales in comparison with the rest of her essay.
Mac Donald takes on Wapo’s “study” of unarmed blacks that have been shot down by police. The post has been causing outrage among, errr, mouth breathers that have the inability, or unwillingness, to go beyond the numbers and look at the instances case by case.
Mac Donald reveals that Wapo had considered someone “unarmed” when they were wrestling for the police officer’s gun. That’s some tricky math.
Some instances had severely beaten officers in fear of their own death in the tally as a “racist cop” shooting an unarmed black.
Other instances included bystanders that were accidentally shot during a fire fight.
Never trust the media with an agenda.
… the Black Lives Matter movement’s focus on shootings by police should not distract attention from the most serious use-of-force problem facing black communities: criminal violence. In 2014, there were 6,095 black homicide victims, more than all white and Hispanic homicide victims combined, even though blacks are only 13 percent of the population. The black homicide toll will be even higher in 2015. In over 90 percent of those black deaths, the killer was another black civilian. By all means, we must try to eliminate unjustified use of force by police. But as long as crime rates in black communities remain so high, officers will be disproportionately engaged there, with all the attendant risks of such deployment. Indeed, the incessant refrain that cops are racist could well increase the likelihood that black suspects will resist arrest, and that witnesses will be reluctant to cooperate.
ht/ just the tip
Here’s the common sense question: Would these liberals rather walk down a dark street in a black neighborhood or a white one?
here’s an even better question: who cares?
If you do not do things that bring you to the attention of the Police, and if when encountering the Police, you behave respectfully and cooperate, you will probably not be shot, tazed, or hit with a night stick.
An “unarmed” male recently beat a woman to death in Little Rock, Arkansas after raping her. There are thousands of cases like that where the murder weapon was the perp’s hands.
They use “unarmed” the same way they use the race card. “Unarmed” does not mean they are not dangerous enough to shoot.
Sorta funny that there’s no great exodus of negroes from the “institutionally racist” United States …
Pull up your fuckin pants and go to that wonderful African Continent, so full of racial harmony, peace, love, understanding, and social equality!
Yeah, I thought so …
Very good article but was a little surprised it appeared with so many other leftish articles on the Marshall Project website. Anyway, the WP will never publish anything that goes against the blacklivesmatter propaganda line and it’s worth knowing that Jeff Bezos (he is the major shareholder and founder of owns the WP and has for the last few years. Remember that when using that portal for purchases. I’m not saying don’t use it just remember who owns what out there.
Too busy for guns:
Blacks can’t get a break. Here they account for 90%+, NINETY PERCENT PLUS of black homicides and still YT gets all the coverage. Talk bout YT privilege.
Wapo had considered someone “unarmed” when they …. dropped their weapon after being shot.