Animal House – IOTW Report

Animal House

The girls of Michigan’s oldest sorority have lost their charter. Kapha Alpha Theta was disbanded for poor behavior.

Guess what would make a great sequel to Animal House??

See the scamps after the jump —tumblr_me4aw5Dq8i1qkik3go1_1280

They were cited for underaged drinking and hazing.

This should be “free” for everyone.

The guy who lived next door to them is upset.

ht/ Rob E.

27 Comments on Animal House

  1. @ Bad Brad….I wrastled a bit in college, in the sorority league…..I was undefeated until I met Kate O….never could beat Kate O. she pinned me every time and I was a very humble loser….

  2. Laughing so hard right now. Hubby and I got married literally next door to this sorority back in ’94, First Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor. On the other side of the church? The Mud Bowl, where fraternities would host mud football games.

    Campus life truly has gone to hell. A2 used to be a fun town.

  3. I was wondering why they are pointing to their mouths.

    If you listen real hard, you can hear them sing: There’s a party in in our mouths and we want y’all to come!

    Bad girls be bad to the bone.

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