We’re All Muslims… So Get With It With the Beheadings – IOTW Report

We’re All Muslims… So Get With It With the Beheadings


Local antiwar military veterans gathered outside New England’s largest mosque Saturday to show support for Muslims amid growing anti-Muslim sentiments that some believe have been stoked by the inflammatory tone of the presidential race.

The rally at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury was organized by the Smedley D. Butler Brigade of Veterans for Peace.

“When you listen to what’s going on in presidential politics there is a lot of misinformation and some people are really misrepresenting what this religion is,” said Bob Funke, a US Army veteran and coordinator for the local veterans group.


“We’re all Muslims deep down,” Evans said. “We all yearn for peace.”


Allahu Akbar

He said the group does not take partisan political positions, but objects to comments Trump has made about closing some mosques, requiring Muslims to register in a national database, and keeping open the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

“Hate speech is not acceptable,” Ladendorf said.



Right Funke?


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ht/ fdr in hell

19 Comments on We’re All Muslims… So Get With It With the Beheadings

  1. Trump’s interest is to keep America safe and make it great again. That means to repel the bad guys away from our borders and keep them away. This is hate speech?

    So the opposite must be the best thing to do, out of “love” and “peace”: Open as many mosques as possible (preferably pushing out other religions); Don’t require muslim registration (everyone else is required to register, aka, social security number); and shut down a prison filled with terrorists hellbent on destroying the west.

    What the hell is the matter with you people?

  2. Veterans For Peace. A bunch of Stolen Valor non-veteran phony wanna-bees. I place about as much credence and credibility in them, their organization and their cause du jour as I do in anything spewing from O’Bozo’s suck-hole. Either one. They may be for “peace”, but theirs is the peace of submission and the grave.
    If you ever find yourself in the presence of one of these asshats, give him (it?) a good throat punch and walk away.

  3. The useful idiots have a new meme!

    “Veterans for Peace” has a noble ring to it, doesn’t it?

    How quaint! Funny how they goose-step to the socialist and izlam drum, isn’t it? Co-incidence? Any Soros money involved? Or Comintern (not that there’s any difference)?

    Palestine had peace, and a homeland, and they pissed it away with their vicious, frothing-at-the-mouth hatred and incessant attacks upon those who would protect them in a dangerous world.

  4. Muslims are a lot like Pit Bulls Terriers. Not all of them are going to harm you but there’s no way to tell the deadly ones from the safe ones so it’s wise keep your distance and not let them in your yard or home.

  5. I wonder how veterans who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan and have seen how horribly broken and brutal these societies are would share Bob’s views about Muslims

  6. @No One. TRUE THAT! After 12 years in the Coast Guard (several of which were TDY in the Navy) as an enlisted and now doing some part time contract physician work for the VA I can truly attest to that statement…… As a post script I have never seen more Obama bumper stickers in one place as I have in the VA Hospital patient parking lots.

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