Good thing she didn’t draw a pop tart shaped like a gun – IOTW Report

Good thing she didn’t draw a pop tart shaped like a gun


A student art project on display at the Wellington Webb building in Denver has raised some controversy.

A student in Denver Public Schools was inspired by two well-known pieces to create a piece of art depicting a police officer in a Ku Klux Klan hood pointing a gun at a black child.

see art—-> 


Mayor Michael Hancock’s office said after the girl learned of the negative response, she has been asked that it be taken down.

The mayor’s office said it values the voices of young artists, but also respects the officers who serve and protect the community.

Hancock organized a meeting for Wednesday with the artist, the chief of police and the Denver Public School superintendent to come to a resolution.


ht/ willysgoatsgruff


14 Comments on Good thing she didn’t draw a pop tart shaped like a gun

  1. Let’s see what can be done to fix that “artwork” (agitprop hit piece) to be more truthful and non-PC . . . . . ..
    Change the po-po’s eye to dark brown under that white hood.
    Change the yute’s hoodie to black.

    There. . . . that should do it.

  2. Is the “artiste” aware that the Ku Klux Klan is a Demonrat institution?

    Didn’t think so …

    Is the “artiste” aware that negroes kill more negroes EVERY SINGLE YEAR than the KKK has in its ENTIRE HISTORY?

    Didn’t think so …

    Has the “artiste” taken a single art course?

    Didn’t think so …

  3. whyfor you be sayin dat Tim? I sho did takes a art couse! it was from the back cuvva of my aunties ebonie magazine. all I had to do was draw the pirait & I be an ‘artiste’. oh yeah dat an send in my granmas ebT card

    so I did takes an arts couse!

  4. WTF? Read the assignment – “Students were asked to select a master work of art, research it and re-contextualize it,” according to the release. The student in question chose Goya’s The Third of May 1808 and A Tale of Two Hoodies, created by Michael D’Antuono in 2014, as inspiration.

    There is no hint of Goya in this “re-contextualized” crayon work. This is a direct and poorly executed copy of the deceitful “Hoodie” work by the other a$$hat and a “Hands up, don’t shoot” BLM poster.

    This is intellectual theft by a person who is an intellectual pauper to begin with.

  5. Caucasians with amnesia are pretending that teaching elementary students manifest destiny is not racist. As well as the white washed version of American history. Sad , yet not shocked at the pseudo outrage

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