9/11 Flag Mysteriously Finds Its Way To a Town in Washington State – IOTW Report

9/11 Flag Mysteriously Finds Its Way To a Town in Washington State

MyNorthwest – A U.S. flag that turned up in Washington state in 2014 is believed to be the flag that was raised by firefighters above the site of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York.


The finding comes after a two-year investigation by the Everett Police Department, with assistance from forensic experts. The flag will be donated to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

Exactly how the flag wound up in Everett, a city about 30 miles north of Seattle, is a mystery. The flag disappeared from ground zero during the site cleanup. The police investigation began in November 2014, when a man dropped off a flag at an Everett fire station.

Everett Police Chief Dan Templeman told KIRO Radio’s Dori Monson that the man said his name was Brian and that, while there is a composite sketch of what the man looks like, his identity is unknown.

“We don’t know who Brian is,” he said. “We would certainly love to talk to Brian if we were ever able to identify him and see what information he may have on how he really came to be in possession of that flag and if he had any knowledge as to where that flag has been for the last 15 years.”


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