Obama looking to flood U.S. with illegals in last days of presidency – IOTW Report

Obama looking to flood U.S. with illegals in last days of presidency

In the smaller Laredo sector, Operation Phalanx accounted for 10,559 apprehensions and 4,007 “turnbacks” from March 2012 to December 2015. Phalanx was credited with seizing 12,851 pounds of narcotics during the period.

ht/ tsunami


6 Comments on Obama looking to flood U.S. with illegals in last days of presidency

  1. Its the Presidential equivalent of carving on your desk on the last day of school.
    This whole liberal thing, its like the liberal mindset, euphoric at the thought of rebellion against ‘the Man’ are unable to differentiate which rules and traditions are worth keeping.
    Like the expectations of fairness and truthfulness.
    They seem to think their rebellion grants them largess to cherry pick the social precepts they will adhere to.

  2. You kind of wish that Trump could let it be known (on the QT) that if the border patrol would restart operations like Phalanx in advance of his inauguration that there would be no penalties. Obama can scream and order firings but if he was either ignored or his dictates buried in paperwork no harm would come to the officers. Can you imagine what would happen to Obama’s limited brain if the professional FBI agents basically told him to F*ck off and the DOJ rank and file, the IRS, Border Patrol etc etc when he tried to screw the country over one last time.

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