The Enslaved Press never learn – IOTW Report

The Enslaved Press never learn

PatriotRetort: In an effort to mock Donald Trump for citing Sweden during his speech in Melbourne, the Enslaved Press has inadvertently shined a spotlight on the migrant crisis in Sweden.


Here they thought they had a great burn on Donald Trump and the burn backfired all over them.


A little over a year ago, the Gatestone Institute released statistics regarding the horrific increases in sexual assaults in Sweden.

But from the Enslaved Press? Not a word.

Until now.


12 Comments on The Enslaved Press never learn

  1. If the underlying story weren’t so ugly and tragic I’d be having a giggle fit over this case of “the media doth protest too much, methinks.” Related to the Streisand Effect, too, it seems. They just don’t know when to shut the hell up, and I like it that way.

  2. Those of us who pay attention to reality heard President Trump’s statement and it didn’t register as anything particularly outrageous so much as we agreed – we know the Muzzies are turning Sweden into a shithole. We hate that fact, but we are generally very aware.
    But the liberal media is stunned by the revelation. These are the same liberals that think Mr. Trump’s partial ban on immigration from certain countries is racist and unfounded. And they are wrong.
    Our country will be just fine without uncontrollable, radical and uncivilized Muzzies.

  3. every day i shake my head. every day i am amazed. every day i am grateful for President Trump and the coming victory over all these perverted despicable and murderous scum.

    every day.

  4. Swedish crime has skyrocketed since the
    invasion started. Eurabia media partially covers
    it, but you have to look for it. Lame stream
    media won’t touch it until it’s exposed, and then
    only lightly. Then they go back to Trump trashing
    articles right away.

  5. I’ve come to believe the press and the leftists are card carrying idiots.

    How can they not be aware of what’s going on?

    What are they doing all day, checking Face-mail???

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