* * * * * – IOTW Report

* * * * *

Glenn McCoy

15 Comments on * * * * *

  1. To all Veterans:
    I am free.
    My home is free.
    My country is free.
    All those things come directly from the sacrifice of Veterans.
    May all of your years on this Earth be blessed with happiness and prosperity, just like you have blessed us here.
    Thank you

  2. You’re welcome, and I offer my own thanks to my fellow veterans!

    — Uncle Al, RAUSA 02/1969-11/1971, 13 months in Korea, Hon. Discharge E5.

    p.s. Not intending any disrespect to veterans, but I kinda wish it was still called Armistice Day.

  3. I’d like to thank the people of this country for allowing me to serve in their Army. I believe my six years there made me a better person, a better man, equipped me with some aspects of my personality I would not have gained otherwise.

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